Shining star of Apr 2022

Mr Phan Van Binh (Therapeutic Radiographer – Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, and Radiotherapy Department) came to FV to practice for around half a year, and then continued his study in p programme abroad. After completing his course, he returned to FV and has been has been working with us for than 4 years. He received the best study report excellence award at a scientific conference on nuclear medicine in 2019. Mr Binh can be seen as a late shining star at FV.

Binh shared: “It feels like more than 3 years ago when I was fortunate to receive an award at the conference, I think my colleagues and FV who have created a lot of opportunities for me to develop.” Therapeutic Radiographer is a job that requires high accuracy, in every detail of operation. Therefore, the development of detailed, specific and clear processes at FV makes Mr Binh’s work more convenient. In addition, to ensure patient safety, this work cannot be done without professional supervision among his fellow staff.

The Radiotherapy Unit at FV has a professional working environment. The Unit is always willing to adopt modern treatment methods. It partly helps the staff here to increase their learning efforts, as well as not feel constrained or monotonous. Mr Binh also said that a professional working environment aimed towards professional development, often helps people feel more confident at work and want to stay longer at a job.

In general, thanks to the good management and assignment from his department, Mr Binh did not face many difficulties when working at FV. However, sometimes it still takes a bit of self-sacrifice to get the job done. “For example, if there is a case who would need to wait for some days if their appointment rescheduled, I would try to do extra work so that the patient can feel secure and gets the best treatment results,” said Mr Binh. Therefore, he hopes to arrange optimal working time, so that he can take care of patients and limit their waiting time.

He has witnessed many life-and-death scenes while working at the Hy Vong Cancer Centre. Mr Binh feels sympathy with these patients. However, the work at the Centre is always busy, sometimes it is difficult to spend more time talking and listening to the concerns of the patients. He shared: “I always focus on doing my job well, so that I can help patients get the best care.” It can also be seen as encouraging message from the radiotherapy technician to the patient.

Anyone who has ever been nominated for a FV Shining Star has a thing in common: the love for their work. Mr Phan Van Binh does, too. He always devotes his enthusiasm to what he does, which will surely bring joy to him and opportunities for promotion in the future. We wish you keep the optimism and positivity in life and in the patient care.