After nearly 5 years, the Shining Star recognition has returned to a member of the FV Bistro. When receiving the FV Shining Star for March 2023, Ms Nguyen Ngoc Han (Pantry Staff – FV Bistro) was so surprised that she did not realise her name had been announced as the winner.

According to the nomination list, it can be said that the Shining Star of March 2023 is a “competitive group” with many nominations who all deserve to win; it is also coincidental that two Shining Stars in two consecutive months were awarded to the F&B Department. This win has certainly brought great motivation to the staff here, especially in the FV F&B Department that has just been re-established after a 3-year hiatus.

The Shining Star of March 2023, Ms Nguyen Ngoc Han, has been working at FV since 2017. She worked with the catering department and with our contractor (Aden) for nearly 5 years before returning and continuing to work as a member of the FV Family. “I really like the working environment at FV, so I decided to stay here, instead of going to another place,” said Ms Han.

This is probably the most popular Shining Star at FV. Besides, Ms Han’s sincerity, cheerful personality, and her friendliness are no longer strange to customers at FV Bistro over the past 5 years. “I can remember clearly about 200 staff at the hospital,” she said. Not to mention many patients, relatives. Ms Han can remember why they are at FV, as well as listen to and empathise with their stories.

The peculiarities of her work also bring her joy. Meeting and greetings, getting to listen and getting help from the people around her, that gives her motivation and a special love for FV.

“I simply consider everyone here, especially the patients and their relatives, like my family. A caring conversation encouraged them a lot,” shared Ms Han. All of these things help her to have many interesting and emotional tales; that is not a common thing everywhere else. Sometimes the extraordinary treatment and quality in her service could have come from such simple things.

Every day coming to work at FV is a happy day of her, and she hopes that joy will not only always be there, but will also develop over time. We wish that Ms Nguyen Ngoc Han will continue to be considerate and friendly as she has always been and thereby, will bring positive emotions to everyone around.