FV Shining Star of April 2023, Mr Danh Tien has been nominated for this award many times while he was a member of the Interpreter Department; however, it was not until he had been nominated by the Liaison Department that luck finally came to him, with all the effort in nearly 15 years working at FV.

The Shining Star of April, once again, goes to an individual who has been familiar to members of the FV Family. His contributions to the hospital have been recognised by Ms Nguyen Tra My (Liaison Office Manager). “You are a very hard working person who is always dedicated to your work,” said Ms Tra My about Danh Tien (Cambodian Patient Coordinator – Liaison Department).

Mr Danh Tien said that in the past 15 years, his workload has changed a lot but the nature of the job remains similar. He is very satisfied and he loves his current job. “With this job, I learned a lot, especially about medicine.” Mr Danh Tien is Khmer, so his desire is to directly support his ethnic brothers and sisters; that makes his work at FV more meaningful.

Patients, especially patients with special health problems, often feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, they are angry. “However, the Khmer people are known gentle and easygoing. They often have similar religious beliefs. Therefore, it’s not difficult to communicate and discuss with them, or to encourage them. They are very willing to listen,” said Mr Danh Tien. Just like that, his work has assisted thousands of Khmer patients over the years, giving him a pride in his work, and credibility in the community.

Like most of the Shining Stars, Mr Danh Tien gave his first love to “FV people”. Anyone who has been and is looking at FV as a family, all have a sense of solidarity and helpfulness. He is committed to devoted to working for FV; he also motivated himself to sacrifice and effort, with a desire to give good luck back.

Yeung trov to toul york kapit knong chi vit”, in Khmer, it is an instruction to “accept the truths of life”. It’s not only just advice for the sad, it also means we embrace the joy and recognition what we are doing in life. We would like to congratulate the FV Shining Star of April 2023. We wish you always keep the joy and receive more gifts of giving.