Shining star of May 2023

Ms Nguyen Thi Hoa (Care Assistant – Day Ward) is an optimistic person who always brings joy to others. When she received the Shining Star award in May 2023 and when she talked about that moment, Ms Hoa couldn’t hide her overwhelming emotions. It is a great pride for her, as she feels that her years of hard work have been acknowledged in a meaningful way.

Over 20 years ago, Ms Hoa had a dream of becoming a professional nurse. She pursued her dream for more than half of the way but eventually gave it up due to life’s uncertainties. “I joined FV when the hospital had just started operation. Being a care assistant seemed like a suitable job for me and not far from my dream,” she shared.

For her, being close to patients, engaging in conversation, offering encouragement, and providing both physical and mental support are things she truly loves to do. Therefore, whether in the role of a nurse or a care assistant, the joy of her work remains consistent. Ms Hoa said, “I enjoy listening to patients’ stories. When I can empathise and understand their feelings, providing care becomes very simple.”

During her 20 years of working at FV, Ms Hoa has encountered numerous individuals, including patients and staff. While she cannot recall all of them, the stories, emotions, and, most importantly, the smiles they brought have become invaluable gifts that she always cherishes. “FV is a place where smiles are abundant. For me, the smiles of everyone at the hospital are something I will always remember,” she said with a smile.

Ms Hoa’s 20 years of dedicated service have provided her with valuable lessons about patient care, such as maintaining a positive attitude facing medical adversities, and the kindness spreading around. She considers the hospital leaders as long-time friends who are always supportive when needed. She thinks of her young colleagues as family and is always ready to guide them.

It goes without saying that FV is like a family to Ms Hoa, this belief resides deeply in her heart. The joy she finds in her work has helped her maintain her health, enabling her to continue making valuable contributions. “That’s why I have no desire to go anywhere else, and as long as I can work, I will continue my journey with FV,” she said.

For the FV Shining Star of May 2023 – Ms Nguyen Thi Hoa, life is perhaps as simple as Albert Einstein’s quote, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”. We wish you joy and excellent health, so that you may continue to bring value to people’s lives through your compassionate patient care.