Knee Arthroscopy

KNEE ARTHROSCOPY is a surgical procedure that allows an orthopaedic surgeon to diagnose and treat knee disorders by providing a clear view of the inside of the knee. After making small incisions, using a pencil-sized instrument called an arthroscope, the surgeon can see an image of your knee that is transmitted through a small camera, via optic fibres, to a television monitor. The TV image allows the surgeon to thoroughly examine the interior of your knee and determine the source of your problem. During the procedure, the surgeon can also insert surgical instruments through other small incisions in your knee to remove or repair damaged tissues.

Your orthopaedic surgeon might use this procedure to diagnose and treat:

  • Torn ligaments including the anterior (ACL reconstruction) and posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL reconstruction)
  • Abnormal alignment or instability of the kneecap
  • A torn meniscus
  • Loose fragments of bone or cartilage
  • Damaged joint surfaces or softening of the articular cartilage known as chondromalacia
  • Inflammation of the synovial membrane, such as rheumatoid or gout arthritis