More opportunities to save money on treatment for complicated eye conditions in Singapore

The partnership programme between FV Hospital and Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) has opened doors to Vietnamese patients looking for the best possible treatment. Patients can receive professional care from highly competent specialists at both international hospitals, saving up to 30 per cent of the cost of undergoing treatment overseas independently. Since 2006, hundreds of patients affected by complicated eye conditions have benefitted from successful treatments under this collaboration.

Mrs N.A.M., a 60-year-old patient living in District 5, HCMC, was one of hundreds of patients to benefit from the partnership between FV Hospital and SNEC when she was successfully treated for retinal detachment in Singapore. When Mrs. N.A.M. first visited FV Hospital, her condition was fairly severe. After giving her a consultation, Dr. Doan Thi Hong Hanh from FVH Ophthalmology Dept. concluded that Mrs. N.A.M. needed to undergo surgical treatment as soon as possible. Mrs. N.A.M. was promptly sent to Singapore for surgery at Singapore National Eye Centre. Three months since her operation, Mrs. N.A.M.’s vision has much been improved. She is currently having follow-up visits at Ophthalmology, FV Hospital, until her eye condition is fully recovered.

Services offered under this partnership programme

During the past eight years since the partnership agreement between FV Hospital and SNEC was initiated, SNEC eye specialists have visited FV Hospital Ophthalmology once every three months to provide consultations and treatments to 10 to 12 patients with retinal conditions on every working trip. Many patients with complicated case such as retinal detachment, macular degeneration, retinal injuries and retinal implants are sent to Singapore for surgery and then have their post-surgical follow-ups at FV Hospital.

This collaboration has offered a valuable route for patients in Vietnam affected with complicated eye conditions to benefit from consultation and treatment directly with experienced specialists from Singapore and access to advanced treatment techniques currently unavailable in Vietnam.

The services provided under this partnership programme between FV Hospital and SNEC include corneal transplantation; Osteo-odonto Keratoprosthesis, which is also called “tooth-in-eye” surgery (an artificial corneal procedure used exclusively in patients who have lost their vision due to severe corneal cases but who cannot benefit from corneal implants or other corneal procedures); and treatment for retinal and vitreous problems, such as macular degeneration, myopic-related macular degeneration, diabetes-related retinal detachment, retinal injuries, retinal blood vessel problems, floaters or spot lights and uveitis.

Effective treatment and simple and prompt procedures rank among the factors that draw patients to receive services under the collaboration between FV Hospital and SNEC. Patients can receive consultations and treatments directly from SNEC specialists at FV Hospital Ophthalmology during their working schedule here. If necessary, patients will be transferred to Singapore for treatment, then sent back to FV Hospital for monitoring, follow-ups or to continue their treatment. Patients are offered support through many services, including the transference of the patient’s medical information to doctors, information on hospitalisation and treatment, help with travel arrangements and hotel reservations and the hiring of interpreters.

Free cataract surgeries

Also under this collaboration between FV Hospital and SNEC, a free cataract surgery mission is also carried out for underprivileged patients once per year. By the end of 2014, FV Hospital and SNEC have successfully performed four such charity missions and treated a total of 200 patients. All costs for consultations, tests, surgeries, medications and patient meals are covered by FV Hospital. Travel and accommodation costs for patients from neighbouring patients are financed by Vietcaravan. SNEC sponsors intraocular lenses and brings in its surgical tools and leading surgeon teams from Singapore.

Thanks to such cataract surgery charity missions, disadvantaged patients in Vietnam can benefit from the world-class treatment and care at an international standard hospital.