Leading corneal specialists from Singapore offer treatment at FV’S Opthalmology department

For two days, 6th and 7th January 2017, Adj. Assoc. Prof. Doric Wong and Dr. Gavin Tan – two corneal specialists from Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) – will offer consultations, examinations and treatment for corneal conditions at Ophthalmology.

During this time, Prof. Wong and Dr. Tan anticipate providing consultations, examinations and treatments to around 100 patients.

Adj. Assoc. Prof. Wong is Head of the Vitreo-Retina Department at SNEC. He completed his Medical and Postgraduate Degree in Ophthalmology in Singapore. In 1997 and 1998, he completed a surgical-medical retina fellowship at SNEC; he then completed an international fellowship at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York, US.

Dr. Wong’s focus is on diseases of the retina, including surgery for retinal detachments, diabetic retinopathy and macular disorders, e.g. macular holes, epiretinal membranes, vitreomacular traction and myopic macular schisis. He also has extensive experience in surgical treatment for complex retinal diseases, such as advanced proliferative vitreo-retinopathy, retinal surgery in children and retinal surgery in combination with anterior segment surgery.

In the field of medical retina treatment, Dr. Wong manages disorders that typically include age-related macular degeneration, choroidal neovascular disease and diabetic retinopathy, among others.

Dr. Wong is also on-staff at the Cataract and Comprehensive Ophthalmology Department at SNEC and cataract surgery continues to be a significant part of his clinical work.

Dr. Gavin Tan is a Senior Consultant in the Vitreo-Retinal Department of SNEC, and a clinical lecturer with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School.

Dr. Gavin Tan graduated with a Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) with Distinction in Biochemistry and Medicine from Duke-NUS in 2003. He was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and Fellowship of the Academy of Medicine Singapore in 2012, later completing a Fellowship in Vitreo-Retinal Diseases at SNEC.

Dr. Tan’s main interests are in pathology, genetics and corneal disease treatment, including diabetic retinopathy, especially diabetes in Asian people and retinal detachment due to age.

Chuyên môn của bác sĩ Gavin Tan là về bệnh học, di truyền học và điều trị bệnh lý võng mạc, gồm bệnh võng mạc do tiểu đường và đặc biệt là võng mạc do tiểu đường ở người châu Á, bong võng mạc, thoái hóa hoàng điểm do tuổi tác.

To contact and schedule an appointment with Dr. Doric Wong or Dr. Gavin Tan, please contact extension number 2000.