FV now applies urodynamic testing in the treatment of urinary tract disorders

FV Hospital is now applying state-of-the-art urodynamic testing, the assessment of how the bladder and urethra are performing their job of storing and releasing urine, in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract problems. At FVH, specialists from departments such as Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology collaborate to conduct comprehensive screening to assist physicians in developing effective treatments for disorders such as urinary incontinence, a persistent urge to urinate and urine leakage while coughing or exercising. After a diagnosis is reached, patients will be recommended to undergo internal treatment or surgery.

FV Hospital is one of the few hospitals in south Vietnam equipped with urodynamic testing facilities and staffed by professionals with experience in this technique. Dr Nguyen Van Nhan, an expert in urodynamics from France, is now a member of the team screening patients at FV.

Doctors from the Department of Urology will collaborate with Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr Nguyen Thi Vinh Thanh, who holds specialist degree level 2, to screen and diagnose symptoms of pelvic dysfunction including those listed above, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual activity dysfunction (pain, widespread, loss of sensation during sex) or ambiguous pelvic pain.

Dr Vinh Thanh was formerly head of Tu Du Hospital’s Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department and is a specialist in treating disorders of the pelvic area. She was awarded a medal For People’s Health by the Minister of Health of Vietnam.

FV is fully equipped to offer advanced medical and surgical treatment tailored to the patient’s medical conditions and therapy might include behavioural lifestyle changes, pelvic exercises and pessary instruments, along with advanced surgical methods in treating urination such as transobturator tape (TOT) and tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) sling procedures for women with stress incontinence.

TOT is very popular in the US and Europe and advantages include a minimally invasive surgery, no blood loss, a very small incision (about 1 cm) and no unsightly aesthetics as the tape follows the internal position of the vagina. Each surgery takes between 20 to 30 minutes and the patient can leave hospital the next day. Around 90 per cent of incontinence cases can be cured by TOT treatment. In addition, FV also offers advanced surgical methods for treating pelvic organ prolapses, such as prolapse of the bladder, uterus, rectum, and ectomy area, plus reconstruction and closure surgery of the vaginal tube, helping women to regain their normal functions and confidence after birth.

FV Hospital also offers physiotherapy comprising appropriate exercises and supportive devices to help patients recover their body following pregnancy or after surgery.

To book a consultation with Dr Nguyen Van Nhan, please contact FV Hospital’s Department of Urology: (028) 5411 3333, ext. 1032

To book an appointment with Doctor Nguyen Thi Vinh Thanh, please contact FV Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology: (028) 5411 3333, ext. 6000

From July 10th to August 24th, 2018, Dr Nguyen Van Nhan, a urodynamic specialist from France, will offer treatment at FV Hospital’s Department of Urology.

Dr Nguyen Van Nhan is head of the Department of Urodynamic, CMUDD Hospital, Grenoble, France, and was awarded the National Medal by the Minister of Health of France for his contributions to the French medical sector.

Dr Nhan has treated 20,000 urodynamics cases in France and is a specialist in the practice of urodynamics to diagnose urinary incontinence as a physiological and psychological disorder in children and adults, men and women. He has extensive experience in treating women aged from 50 to 55 who have urinary incontinence due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, weakened pelvic organs or pelvic floor, and because the urethral sphincter does not close completely.