Obstetrics And Gynaecology Services At FV Hospital – International-standard Care For Women

FV Hospital is certified a Mother-and-Baby-Friendly Hospital by the Ministry of Health
FV Hospital’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology provides world-class healthcare for all women, including comprehensive gynaecological care, maternity and childbirth services.

FV Hospital is a leader in offering multiple programmes related to foetal monitoring and care.

1. Complete pregnancy care

The service includes tests, ultrasound, vaccination and diagnostics using high-tech equipment to ensure mothers-to-be enjoy a healthy pregnancy and prepare for a safe labour. You can take a closer look at our pregnancy monitoring package here.

2. High-risk pregnancy monitoring service

A high-risk pregnancy is when a mother and/or a foetus in development faces threats of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. FV’s obstetric doctors offer specialty monitoring services for pregnancies deemed high-risk.

  • Common and high-risk obstetric conditions include: hypertension, diabetes, seizures, autoimmune diseases, blood clotting disorders and infectious diseases which affect both mothers and children, such as HIV, Cytomegalovirus and Parvovirus.
  • Obstetric doctors carefully monitor women at risk of preterm births, perhaps due to multiple births, placental abruption or cervical insufficiency, which may require surgery for preterm labour. Doctors also manage preterm births, premature rupture of membranes and other complications during labour which may affect newborns and have life-long consequences.
  • FV Hospital’s obstetric doctors monitor and treat diseases and abnormalities in foetuses, including birth defects, chromosomal abnormalities, genetic syndromes, arrhythmias, blood disorders and congenital infection.
  • Doctors in charge of high-risk pregnancies are comprehensively trained in ultrasound diagnosis and screening of chromosomal abnormalities and birth defects to offer optimal care for congenital disorders, including neural tube defects and congenital heart defects. Doctors collaborate with other departments on diagnoses and preparation for labour.

3. Pre-natal classes

Every month, FV organsises a pre-natal class attended by obstetric doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, midwives and paediatric nurses to provide essential knowledge to expecting parents. These classes include:

  • Advice on healthy eating and getting proper rest
  • Guidance on breathing techniques for labour
  • Information regarding labour, including medical procedures and interventions
  • Skills for caring for newborns under the guidance of experienced doctors and midwives.

4. The perfect birth plan

We provide guidance and references to help pregnant women and their partners plan their deliveries. The birth plan helps doctors and midwives to clearly understand the preferences of expecting mothers regarding labour pain control and newborn care, and provides a roadmap for childbirth. The plan should outline:

  • The elements of your pregnancy and labour, such as having the participation of relatives, taking photos and listening to music.
  • Medical interventions so that you can feel more comfortable when in labour.
  • How you’d like to control pain in labour
  • Methods of baby care
  • Psychological counselling for better preparation for your delivery

Expecting mothers and their partners can alter their birth plan whenever they wish.

5. Safe birthing services

FV Hospital’s experienced team has access to the latest equipment and technologies to help expecting mothers enjoy a safe, comfortable labour.

  • Labour rooms at FV Hospital are equipped with modern facilities to comfort women in labour.
  • Sterile operating rooms are always available, should the need for surgery arise.
  • Experienced, skillful doctors and midwives offer comfort to pregnant women in labour, helping to reduce their stress and gain confidence following delivery.
  • Medical interventions for painless births are performed by experienced anaesthesiologists.
  • FV’s postnatal services include dedicated midwives on duty 24 hours a day to take care of mothers and babies; they can also take care of newborns during the night so that new mothers have more time to rest.
  • FV Hospital encourages expecting mothers to have a normal birth before 39 weeks and breastfeed with skin-to-skin contact within one hour after birth.
  • FV Hospital is certified a Mother-and-Baby-Friendly Hospital by the Ministry of Health.

6. Postnatal physical therapy

Giving birth weakens a woman’s pelvic floor muscles. Applying postnatal pelvic floor exercises will help prevent urinary incontinence and pelvic floor diseases in the future. FV’s Department of Physical therapy, led by an expert from France, offers a full suite of services for new mothers after delivery. Support from this team includes:

  • Recovering your physical strength after delivery, reducing the pelvic floor drop and risk of gynaecological diseases
  • Preventing and efficiently treating urinary leakage and bladder incontinence
  • Preventing the drop of organs in the pelvic floor area, including the uterus, bladder and rectum, and prevent any conditions from worsening.
  • Helping you to return to a normal sex life
  • Teaching gentle vagina tightening exercises to help new mothers to feel confident and comfortable.
    FVH offers examination and treatment services for gynaecological diseases.

7. Periodic gynaecological exams

Doctors will provide breast and pelvic floor exams and screen for and treat pelvic floor, urological and gynaecological diseases. Services include HPV testing, colposcopy, hymenorrhaphy (reconstruction of the hymen), menopause disease treatment, contraception and pregnancy suspension.

8. Treatment for gynaecological diseases

Screening using 3D ultrasound and mammography helps doctors to diagnose and treat gynaecological diseases, such as benign tumours, breast pain, fibrocystic breasts, fibroids and other problems.

FV’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology collaborates with the Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre and General Surgery Department to treat gynaecological cancers, such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and other pelvic floor cancers.

Modern facilities

FV’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a modern facility with state-of-the-art ultrasound machines and uterus endoscopy machines, fully equipped labour rooms and international-standard examination and waiting rooms. FV is committed to offering patients safe, world-class care and treatment.

Skillful and experienced doctors

FVH’s experienced obstetric team is led by French doctor Yan Dréan, who has 15 years of experience in high-risk pregnancy monitoring and gynaecological cancer treatment. Deputy Head Nguyễn Thị Vĩnh Thành has 30 years’ experience in pregnancy and delivery support and the treatment of pelvic diseases.

This department is staffed by many dedicated and experienced doctors, including Dr Võ Triệu Đạt, Dr Huỳnh Thị Hiếu, Dr Nguyễn Thị Thanh Minh, Dr Mai Thị Công Danh and Dr Lê Thanh Hùng. This professional team of doctors, midwives and nurses offers parents-to-be complete support from preparing to conceive, through the post-natal period.

International-standard service at a reasonable cost

FV is committed to bringing high-quality, world-class services to our patients, and so is pleased to offer an appealing pricing policy with support for uninsured patients.
Pricing list, for reference:

  • Single pregnancy vaginal delivery, from only VND 19,500,000 to VND 41,847,000
  • Single pregnancy caesarean section, from only VND 26,000,000 to VND 55,796,000
  • Single pregnancy emergency caesarean section, from only VND 31,000, 000 to VND 61,796,000
  • Caesarean section for women who already had a cesarean section or incision of uterine fibroids, from only VND 31,000,000 to VND 61,796,000
  • Caesarean section on women with second or third incisions, from only VND 33,000,000 to VND 64,196,000
  • Pregnancy follow-up package: single pregnancy, from only from VND 16,000,000 to VND 27,000,000
  • Pregnancy follow-up package: multiple pregnancy, from only VND 17,000,000 to VND 29,000,000.

(*) Note:

  • Packages do not include doctor/surgeon fees and other costs incurred during delivery/hospital stay
  • The package price is not applicable to customers with international insurance. Services will be charged for as they are incurred.

If you pay for a package and choose to upgrade to a single or VIP room for all nights in the package, these will be charged for accordingly. If you only choose to upgrade for some nights in the package, the cost will be determined as follows; please note that additional expenses for doctors and nurses will be also charged.

  • Upgrade to a single room (1 night), additional VND 1,210,000 to VND 1,452,000
  • Upgrade to VIP room (1 night), additional VND 4,220,000 to VND 5,064,000
  • Expenses for doctors for VIP room: an additional VND 550,000/day
  • Expenses for nurses for VIP room: an additional VND 550,000/day.