Early Detection of Cancers to Ear, Nose, & Throat (ENT) Through Painless Flexible-Tube Endoscopic Method at FV

With the rate of throat and laryngeal cancer rising, screening for early detection is becoming more essential and contributes substantially to its treatment. There are many ways to monitor for cancer, however, the earliest and most accurate way of detection is by an endoscopic method, especially the flexible-tube endoscopy which uses a narrow band light (NBI). This procedure has the advantage of sensing signs of throat cancer at a very early stage. With its flexible material, a manoeuvrable endoscope is easily inserted into a deep, kinked, narrow position from which the doctor can easily detect signs of cancer through NBI flexible-tube endoscopic images. Due to their high resolution and contrast, they are able to spot any abnormal growth of shallow and very shallow blood vessels within the lining. Moreover, it allows doctors to easily detect small changes in colour, morphology of cancer and pre-cancerous lesions that are often difficult to detect.

This modern approach is very different from the traditional endoscopic method which uses rigid tubes that can cause pain, vomiting, bleeding and anxiety for patients during the procedure. Now FV’s ENT Department’s new advanced flexible-tube endoscopy method helps patients feel more comfortable during examinations..

Flexible-tube endoscopy is a diagnostic endoscopic method which checks the lining inside the ear, nose and throat area. During an endoscopy procedure, a flexible tube with a diameter <1 cm is inserted into the required position. This is a relatively safe method with little complications, which helps to clearly observe the lesions of the ear, nose and throat. Up till now, the flexible-tube endoscopy is the most modern technology to use in such examinations as well as being particularly beneficial in the early detection and diagnosis of cancer of the throat and the vocal cords.

Compared with the rigid-tube endoscopic method, the flexible-tube endoscopic technique has many outstanding advantages:

  • Soft and small-diameter tube design, which can be used for all patients, including children, who have a small nasal cavity or those with curled epiglottis.
  • Does not cause pain, discomfort, difficulty swallowing, nor induce vomiting.
  • The duration of endoscopy procedure is only about 2 – 5 minutes.
  • Clear image quality which enables doctors to easily observe abnormalities in narrow, hidden areas.
  • Early cancer detection in the ear, nose, and throat by observing the smallest changes of the mucosa.

By coming to FV, not only can customers experience the most advanced medical equipment, but they can also receive direct examination and treatment with highly qualified doctors. With a number of years of experience, the doctors are always dedicated to helping patients, ensuring that they feel as satisfied and comfortable as possible.

To make appointment at the ENT Department at FV Hospital, please contact (028) 54 11 34 41 or (028) 54 11 33 33, ext 7711.

Department of ENT, 1st Floor, Building V, FV Hospital, 6 Nguyen Luong Bang St., Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City.