Prof. Mckay Mckinnon – Expert in surgery of large tumours with complicated malformations returns to FV

From 21/10/2019 to 25/10/2019, Prof. McKay McKinnon, an international master in reconstructive, orthopaedic and maxillofacial surgery, will come back to Vietnam and collaborate with FV Hospital’s doctors to offer consultations and treatments on large and rare complicated tumours, such as neurofibromatosis, malformed haemangioma, etc., to patients. Returning to FV, Dr McKay McKinnon will bring his unique talents with his “golden hands” to provide life-changing opportunities to treat such diseases for patients.

Dr McKay McKinnon, an expert in surgery of tumours, reconstruction, and orthopaedics, specializes in solving rare and difficult cases, removing enormous and complicated tumours, and congenital malformations related to all kinds of tumours and neurofibromatosis for patients all over the world. Dr McKinnon’s surgeries have not only made great contributions to the world’s health industry but have also brought hope of a new and happier life to impoverished patients in many countries.

Dr McKay McKinnon has gained more than 30 years of experience in his field and has travelled all over the world to work with charity and humanity organisations to offer free treatment to patients with rare conditions, especially those with large tumours. These include; successfully treating a woman having a 90 kg tumour in Michigan in 2000, removing a 36kg tumour because of genetic modification for a Romanian woman in 2004, and completely removing a 90kg tumour from Mr Nguyen Duy Hai (Lam Dong Province) in Vietnam in 2012.

Currently, Dr McKinnon is a surgeon at Saint Joseph Hospital in Chicago, Illinois State and the Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago Medical University.

To schedule an appointment with Dr McKay McKinnon, please call: 028 5411 3333 – Ext: 1227