FV Hospital Celebrates 65th Vietnamese Doctor’s Day

Doctors are so integral in society that at one point in everyone’s life, people have sought their support. So important is their role, that to become a doctor requires a long journey of acquiring knowledge, skills, experience and an ability to meticulously memorize information, which continues throughout their careers. All with the sole goal of saving people from illness and pain.

To mark the occasion of Vietnamese Doctor’s Day on the 27th of February, the Board of Directors of FV Hospital sent out words of gratitude to all of its dedicated, hard-working doctors, and a ceremony was held to celebrate their amazing efforts. The event took place at noontime in FV’s Auditorium Hall, 3rd floor, Building F, with the presence of a number of doctors from numerous departments and members of the Board of Directors.

In 2019, FV Hospital supported over 230,000 visits from patients with safe and effective health care, and to mark their fantastic work, the CEO of FV Hospital, Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon sent a letter of congratulations to all the doctors. He wrote: “Today is the national doctor’s day. It’s an opportunity to express our gratitude towards all doctors, to thank them for their hard work, long hours, their dedicated services to their patients and the effort they put into practicing good medicine. It’s also an occasion to recognise the huge contribution our doctors, all of them working at FV Hospital, make to our beloved hospital. I always tell people that patients don’t come to “visit” a hospital, they come to see a doctor … Our doctors not only deserve our respect but also that we show them how grateful we are for all the work they do every day. ” At the end of the letter, he wished the doctors a happy and meaningful day and offered them his sincere thanks for their contributions over the years.

Reminiscing about his medical career, Dr Nguyen Thi Lam Giang, Head of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Control Department shared: “Like all of my colleagues, my greatest happiness is seeing the recovery of my patients. Throughout more than 30 years of ups and downs in this job, I realize that those who have been working in medicine are the chosen ones to complete God’s mission. Thus, despite challenges and hardship in life, doctors should be cool-headed and warm-hearted to deliver their love to patients, colleagues and develop their career as well as keep their faith in medicine when diagnosing.”

Dr Nguyen Thi Lam Giang, Head of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Control Department

While Dr Nguyen Manh Hung, Head of Neurosurgery Department shared: “I am grateful for my colleagues, seniors and friends in medicine, especially my patients, who never stop trusting me and foster me to brainstorm and find treatment methods. A good doctor without the trust of patients will not succeed in anything. Therefore, doctors should not only cure the diseases but also support patients’ mentality to maintain their strength.”

Dr Nguyen Manh Hung, Head of Neurosurgery Department

Like many other foreign colleagues who are working at FV Hospital, Dr Guillaume Orieux, Head of Dermatology Department, was delighted to attend the honours ceremony for the doctors. With more than 10 years of service at FV, Dr Orieux considers celebrating Vietnamese Doctor’s Day as a great tradition of the hospital.

Dr Guillaume Orieux, Head of Dermatology Department

Sharing the joy of the doctors’ team, Medical Director, Dr Do Trong Khanh congratulated and encouraged his colleagues: “To become a doctor, we all have to make continuous efforts, in study, research and work. However, doctors alone cannot create success for advanced medicine. We also need support from many other departments. Today, I am here as the Medical Director of FV Hospital – I will make use of all possible resources to support the doctors to bring the best working environment so that we can complete the mission of saving patients!”

Medical Director, Dr Do Trong Khanh

The Vietnamese Doctor’s Day celebration is a rare opportunity for doctors from various departments to catch up with each other and share memories of their journeys in the medical field.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all the doctors for spending their valuable time attending the ceremony. We wish them health, happiness and success in their work and life!