Artist searches for medical miracle to preserve his voice

Throughout his life, Mr N.T.H., has always had a strong passion for art, in particular, photography, singing and poetry, and at the age of 60, he is still very active. Very few people, however, know that six years ago, Mr N.T.H. underwent a serious fight with laryngeal cancer.


As a lover of singing, Mr. N.T.H. was always keen to sing whenever he could. However, on one occasion his voice became very hoarse and despite taking medication for a number of weeks, the condition did not improve. Visiting a hospital, which specializes in Ear, Nose and Throat treatment, for an endoscopic examination, Mr N.T.H. was devastated to learn that signs of cancer had been detected. He subsequently went to a larger hospital in the city for a biopsy to find out more. The results of several tests did confirm the appearance of cancerous cells in his larynx. Mr N.T.H. was informed that surgery would be required and it was likely he would lose his voice. When processing this, the fear of the surgery, coupled with the risk of losing his voice, Mr N.T.H. fell into panic, losing his appetite and suffering insomnia. The condition itself, and the possibility of being unable to speak, recite poems and sing to treat it, was a lot to bear.

His wife prayed for a miracle to find a way which could treat the condition yet not take away such a valuable part of Mr N.T.H.’s life, his voice. On reflection, they knew that removing the cancerous tumour was the most important thing to do,  however, deep down, they still hoped there was another way.

After researching and receiving recommendations, Mr N.T.H. visited FV Hospital’s Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre. Having psychologically prepared himself for the tumour removal surgery, Mr N.T.H. shared with the doctor that he accepted to sacrifice a part of his larynx, and lose his voice, as long as the disease could be cured. Dr Vo Kim Dien,  Deputy Head of Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, who consulted Mr N.T.H., then provided the miracle he and his wife were looking for. Treatment at FV would be able to preserve his larynx while eliminating the cancer. Stunned at the time, Mr N.T.H emotionally recalled: “The doctor shared that I was lucky as the tumour was discovered at an early stage. Therefore, the centre would be able to apply radiation therapy for me without the need for surgery.” Mr N.T.H. was informed that this modern approach of treating the condition did have its side effects; slight pigmentation in the neck, coughing, difficulty swallowing and thirst. Regardless, hearing all this, his spirits gradually increased, and he was happy to proceed with the modern approach.

Mr N.T.H. successfully underwent 35 radiation therapy sessions which lasted for nearly two months. Not only did the treatment destroy the cancerous cells in his larynx, but also caused no damage to his ability to communicate. Now, after nearly 6 years of regular examinations, Mr N.T.H. is doing very well, being healthy without any signs of the cancer recurring.


Following his recovery, Mr N.T.H. has turned to a new chapter in his life. Now, he is more optimistic and devoted to his passion than ever, still enjoying photography, singing and poetry, as well as traveling, and seeing friends. In some cases, after facing such trauma and difficult circumstances, it can inspire artists to create new works and pieces. Much like Mr N.T.H.’s poem which he recently created – “Dreamland”

In dreams, I wander in my memory.

In my dream of love, you suddenly came to me.

My heart whispered to me.

There you are! I have waited for you a thousand years …”

(Excerpt from the “Dreamland” poem)

Mr N.T.H.’s story is one of inspiration and we thank him for letting us share how he  bravely faced and overcame the disease. Today, he spends his time supporting others who face cancer, helping them take on their condition.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre of FV Hospital provides the most currently advanced diagnosis and treatment services.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre brings together experienced French and Vietnamese doctors and experts, who their time listening, consulting and answering patient questions about the disease.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre has state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and treatment technologies, including CT stimulation that accurately identifies and simulates the location and size of the tumour that is then treated with the most modern radiotherapy machine – Elekta Infinity that provides accurate treatment on the tumour with optimal dosage and fast speed that is harmless for the surrounding healthy tissue.

At Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre, each case is treated with multidisciplinary meeting to offer a truly personalised treatment regimen suitable to each patient’s condition, thereby helping patients achieve highest treatment efficiency with the least side effects. In addition, patients are also provided consultation on nutrition, psychology and pain management to help them stabilise their physical situation and stay optimistic throughout the treatment process.

Comprehensive professional cooperation with India’s largest HCG specialised cancer treatment system, including more than 20 cancer treatment centres in India and Africa, helps elevate FV’s Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre to a new level, becoming the leading Modern Cancer Care Centre in Vietnam and the region.

To make an appointment for cancer consultation and treatment at Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre – FV Hospital, please contact:

Hotline: (028) 5411 3440 or (028) 5411 3333

Working hours: 8:00 – 17:00 (Monday – Friday) and 8:00 – 12:00 (Saturday)

Address: 6 Nguyen Luong Bang, Phu My Hung, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City