FV is fully prepared to take on any Epidemic

COVID-19 is developing seriously in Vietnam, and the world. What are FV’s preparations for fight against COVID-19?

FV is fully prepared, we have a comprehensive screening programme to detect patients at risk, either because they have traveled to areas experiencing outbreaks, have been in contact with people with diagnosed or suspicion of infection, or have recent symptoms particularly respiratory such as cough or difficulty breathing.

We have also organised a direct lines in HCMC with the HCMC Centers for Disease Control (HCDC), the Pasteur Institute, and specialists at the Tropical Hospital to discuss any suspected cases of possible infections.

We have set up a special area where people with suspicion of possible infection are questioned and tested, they are then isolated until we obtain the result of the diagnostic test that is performed at Pasteur institute, the result comes usually within 24 hours.

FV is fully prepared to take on any Epidemic
FV is fully prepared to take on any Epidemic

We also have set up a complete isolation ward with 20 beds for hospitalising, if it is required, infected patients; we also have 8 ICU beds including a specific isolation ICU room, and isolation procedures can be applied in all ICU beds. At the moment the instruction from the MoH is that any positive case must be transferred in chosen public hospitals, however we are ready if the authorities ask us to take care of such patients.

All isolation procedures are well known by our staff, our hospital has been accredited and reaccredited by JCI and isolation procedures as well as what to do in case of an epidemic are part of the healthcare standards we all know perfectly well. Our staff is well trained and all PPE (personal protective equipment) is available in sufficient quantities at FV.

In case of serious developments, how can FV contribute to Vietnam’s fight against COVID-19? As a leading foreign-invested hospital in Vietnam, what experience FV can share with others to successfully fight against the novel epidemic? 

In case the number of patients overwhelms public facilities, FV is ready to help and take care of patients if need be.

What all hospitals should do is to have comprehensive screening programmes in line with the instructions from the WHO and the MoH, have trained staff, enough PPE and cooperate with the authorities

Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon

CEO – FV Hospital