FV Hospital donates Equipment and Machinery Valuing 1 Billion VND to the Standing National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention & Control – Ministry of Health

With the desire to contribute and to support the Vietnamese health sector for COVID-19 epidemic prevention & control, on the 8th June 2021, FV Hospital donated equipment and machinery to serve the Standing National Steering Committee for COVID-19 epidemic prevention & control valuing 1 billion VND.

Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen receives the symbol of equipment valuing VND 1 billion from FV Hospital Management
Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen receives the symbol of equipment valuing VND 1 billion from FV Hospital Management

On the afternoon of 8th June 2021 in Hanoi, the Ministry of Health held a Ceremony for the reception of equipment and test kits to assist COVID-19 epidemic prevention & control. Mr Do Xuan Tuyen, Deputy Minister of Health, Deputy Head of National Steering Committee of COVID-19 Prevention & Control, attended the reception. The other attendants consisted of Representatives from Management and Specialists from Departments, Administrations and Offices under Ministry of Health.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon, CEO of FV Hospital, said: “FV Hospital with our own capabilities and staff has been and always will be with the Vietnam Government and Ministry of Health in the task of prevention & control of the COVID-19 epidemic, at the same time to contribute donations in kind and in cash as needed by the Government and Ministry of Health. This time, we offer support with information technology equipment valued at 1 billion VND to serve the Standing National Steering Committee of COVID-19 epidemic Prevention & Control. We have also submitted a plan to the Ministry of Health to participate in the national campaign for COVID-19 vaccination; especially for foreigners living and working in Vietnam, whose businesses are willing to support vaccination for their staff, and for people who wish pay for vaccination for themselves and their families. FV Hospital has prepared a substantial budget, two ultra-cold medical freezers with a capacity for 600,000 vaccine doses and the human resources to vaccinate 200,000 people in six months. Additional funding will be replenished from time to time as needed.”

This is the second time FV Hospital has contributed financial and material support to the Ministry of Health for the fight against COVID-19 epidemic. In early 2020, when the epidemic began to develop in Vietnam and around the world, FV Hospital pioneered with the donation of 1 billion VND for the COVID-19 Prevention Fund, to support the Ministry of Health for epidemic prevention and control.

Receiving this contribution of equipment and machinery from FV Hospital, Deputy Minister of Health Do Xuan Tuyen – Deputy Head of National Steering Committee of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention & Control – believes that the support by FV Hospital is very meaningful and deserves appreciation. Deputy Minister Do Xuan Tuyen hopes that businesses will continue to support the health sector for the people’s health protection in general and in particular COVID-19 epidemic prevention & control.

FV Hospital is the first non-public hospital in Vietnam licensed by the Ministry of Health to perform testing to confirm positive COVID-19 thanks to its capacity in facilities, biosafety, personnel, equipment, isolation and laboratory procedures. Therefore, FV Hospital is classified as a frontline facility to fight against the epidemic, and was one of the first private hospitals the Ministry of Health allocated the AstraZeneca vaccine for vaccination of medical staff. As of the end of May 2021, the Hospital has completed COVID-19 vaccination for more than 1,000, Meaning more than 95% of FV Hospital’s employees have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and nearly 150 frontline employees have received the second dose.

Since mid-May 2021, FV Hospital has proactively increased the number of steps to strengthen the epidemiological screening process. Three entrances to the Hospital building are arranged with health declaration stations for epidemiological screening using the standard form issued by the Ministry of Health; While at the same time, FV Hospital has implemented additional specialised screening steps to identify if a person is safe or suspected. All epidemiological screening procedures are all located outside the Hospital building to ensure that the activities inside the Hospital take place safely.

The safety procedures have been verified with several positive COVID-19 cases successfully identified and handled by FV Hospital. COVID-19 positive cases detected via testing at FV Hospital have been safely handled and the Hospital continues its medical examination and treatment activities to serve its patients during the time of social distancing. FV Hospital is highly appreciated by the HCMC Department of Health and HCMC Center for Disease Control for its handling after detecting and positive screening of cases, which were reported to the authorities on a timely and clear manner.