139 Volunteers Participated in the 7th ‘Give Blood – Give Hope’ Programme at FV Hospital

Through the 7th “Give Blood – Give Hope” charity programme, 139 volunteers donated, with an average of 350 ml of blood per person. The programme took place on the morning of 21st January 2022, at the 3rd– floor Auditorium – FV Hospital.

This generous gesture on the eve of the Lunar New Year, FV staff, as well as many patients and relatives who were visiting the hospital. The amount of blood donated in this programme will support the blood bank in Vietnamese Mekong Delta region, due to the decline in the donor blood reserve because of outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in this area.

Also from the Mekong region, Mr Vo Chi Hieu (50 years old, Can Tho City) said that he brought his son to an eye-exam, and after they both participated in blood donation. Mr Hieu shared: “After a year of the pandemic, I think that any act of giving is very meaningful to my family. Donating blood is just a small act, but sometimes it will help save someone in their times need.” The situation of the pandemic is not yet stable, but just thinking that his family is still healthy is a blessing. Therefore, Mr Hieu, as well as family members, wish to multiply their luck, through the specific action of donating blood to help the sick.

Meanwhile, for Mr Nguyen Vu Kim Long (Care Assistant – Outpatient Clinic), believes every time he participated in blood donation it brings joy to his work. “When there is a message that your blood is being used to help someone, the feeling is very special,” shared Mr Long. With a similar feeling, Le Thi Cam Tien (Korean Interpreter) said: “Although each donation is not much, I hope I can help some patients in need. Especially with the past year, the city’s health sector may have encountered many shortages of blood.” In 2021The Blood Transfusion and Haematology Hospital cancelled almost all blood donation programmes in the last 6 months because of the COVID-19 epidemic.

The 7th “Blood Donation – Give Hope” charity programme is the first blood donation in 2022 at FV. This is a twice annual programme organised by FV Hospital in association with Blood Transfusion and Haematology Hospital and has become a tradition for all FV employees.

This blood donation is organised one week before the 2022 Lunar New Year holiday, so it is expected to attract a small number of volunteers. However, the number of 139 volunteers participating, exceeded the original expectations of the organisers and reflected the spirit of “wholeheartedly for patients” of FV Hospital.