Children Celebrating the ‘Happy Mid-Autumn Festival for FV Kids’ with Much Fun

For the first time; during the last Mid-Autumn Festival, FV organised a fun and colourful programme for hospitalised paediatric patients and the children of all hospital staff. The programme “Happy Mid-Autumn Festival For FV Kids” took place in the FV Canteen on the afternoon of 9th September, with the participation of more than 100 children and their parents.

The children eagerly welcomed the lion dance to open the festival

The event took place from 4.30 pm in a bustling atmosphere with the excitement of the children. The space was decorated with colourful and fairy-tale images, balloons and shimmering lanterns. The mid-autumn festival dishes included fruits and moon-cakes in the shape of lovely animals.

Ms Le Thu celebrates with the “kids staff” at FV Hospital

At the beginning of the programme, the children enjoyed a lion dance performance with a red and a yellow lions playing with the children accompanied by the bustling sound of drum. On behalf of the Board of Directors of FV, Director of Marketing & Business Development, Ms Nguyen Thi Le Thu wished the children and their families a Mid-Autumn Festival full of joy and happiness. Ms Le Thu also had a very wonderful experiences sharing with the children who are considered “veteran employees”, as they have followed their parents work at FV for many years.

The children enthusiastically answered the puzzles by Sister Hang Nga and Uncle Cuoi

The programme was led by Uncle Cuoi and Sister Hang Nga, bringing the colourful fairy-tale atmosphere to not only the children, but to everyone in attendance. The performances of lion dance, magician, and puzzles on the story of the Mid-Autumn Festival brought the children to screams of laughter and built in their knowledge for the traditional national festival. The event ended with the lantern parade around the hospital campus, creating a very brilliant atmosphere for everyone.

Many children were surprised when Ms Hang and Uncle Cuoi came to visit

Besides, before the event, Uncle Cuoi and Ms Hang Nga of FV also visited bearing gifts from the hospital’s Board of Directors that were presented to all our paediatric patients. The children were very happy to meet both of the fairy characters who came into their hospital room to give gifts and talk to them. “The children do not have the opportunity to enjoy the Mid-Autumn Festival as usual, so I am very grateful to the FV team to organise this heartfelt event”, a female parent of the patient shared.

The lantern parade was very bustling in front of the hospital lobby

Through events like this one, FV Hospital wishes to bring play for children and create spaces for family bonding. Thereby, we can help children not only have fun, laughter and health, but also preserve the most important traditions of Vietnam that continue to nurture their dreams.