Excellent infection control standards help FV to achieve JCI accreditation for the third consecutive time

FV is rated as one of the cleanest hospitals in Vietnam. This is just one of many factors that ensured FV Hospital accomplished the Joint Commission International (JCI) Gold Seal the third time in a row with an almost perfect score.

FV Hospital’s infection rate is among the lowers in the world, up to 20 times lower than that of other hospitals in Vietnam and on parity with many developed countries, including the U.S.  FV has earned the unwavering trust of highly discerning patients seeking international-standard care for themselves and their family members.

FV’s third JCI Gold Seal.

FV Hospital has received the JCI Gold Seal for the third time in a row, scoring an impressive 98 per cent after being assessed according to nearly 1,200 criteria. Among these, infection control is an important criterion to meet to ensure patient safety by minimising hospital-acquired infections. Infection control is incredibly important in helping to reduce patient suffering and mortality, and the psychological burden on patients, their families and the medical staff.

FV is considered one of the cleanest hospitals in Vietnam.

FV Hospital applies infection control assessment standards following the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organisation (WHO) and guidelines from many international and domestic control associations. FV Hospital has established an Infection Control Council, an Infection Control Department, and an infection control network which spans the hospital.

The ultimate goal of the hospital is to heal patients and minimise hospital infections— foundational pillars to ensuring comprehensive patient safety. FV has developed a comprehensive infection control procedure throughout its process of medical interventions and medical care, with a compliance rate of over 90 per cent. Remarkably, the level of compliance with infection control regulations for isolation areas is up to 97.8 per cent in both family members and hospital staff.

The hospital also periodically takes samples of different areas to test the rate of infection risk, especially in high-risk areas. Areas with subpar infection rates have to be temporarily closed for disinfection and assessment and are only reopened when it is safe to resume operations.

The operating theatre is one of the most high-risk spaces in the hospital, and where the strictest infection controls must be observed. All operating rooms at FV are positive pressure rooms to ensure that the source of infection from the external environment cannot enter the room. FV also has an operating room dedicated to patients with infectious diseases which incorporates a two-storey ventilation design.

FV has a wound infection rate of only 0.2% of the total number of surgeries.

“Infection control is fundamental and mandatory in surgery. At FV, surgery cannot be performed without ensuring sterility and that all anti-infection measures have been observed,” said Mr Pascal Villoing, Operating Theatre-CSSD-Dayward Manager, FV Hospital.

In order to achieve the low rate of 0.2% wound infections of all surgeries performed, anti-infective procedures are strictly followed, from ensuring optimal patient hygiene at the waiting area until they enter the operating room and proceed to post-operative care.

All staff working in the operating room must comply with every detail of the regulations of surgical attire and movement flow, and equipment use, cleaning and maintenance. At the same time, medical staff are trained regularly on the latest anti-infection knowledge and regulations are continuously updated so that they can be implemented in daily routines across the Hospital. Staff are required to minimise talking and moving in the operating room and must not wear personal belongings or makeup.

Operating rooms are also be categorised for different types of surgery. For example, the water used for surgery is filtered according to strict protocols and equipment is carefully disinfected before and after use, and  maintained carefully to ensure sterility.

Acquiring JCI accreditation, the world’s leading medical quality standard, proves FV’s excellence in meeting comprehensive international standards, including those related to hospital infection control. As FV’s CEO Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon says, “Patient safety has always been the true north of the FV team.”

The letter from JCI congratulating FV notes: “The citizens of Viet Nam should be proud that your organisation is focusing on this most challenging goal–to continuously raise quality and patient safety to higher levels.”