FV close the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week with activities bringing multiple benefits

FV Hospital has completed the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) from 22-25th November, 2022. Many activities took place over the week that received active participation from FV staff, patients, their relatives, and other guests of FV.

Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib called on everyone to join hands and spread the message of the week.

During the opening ceremony of the event on the morning of 22nd November, members of the Board showed their commitment to, “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together”. On behalf of the organising team, Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib (Quality Management Director and Head of Pharmacy) thanked everyone for the positive response to the common goal of “prevent antimicrobial resistance” that FV has committed to in many years. “This is not the issue of solely the Pharmacy Department, the Laboratory, the Infectious Diseases Department or the medical staff. Antimicrobial resistance needs to be shared and aware by all departments at the hospital and everyone in the community,” said Mr Fazli.

In response to this important awareness week, many exciting activities took place at the event counter. The Q&A game with 2 cute mascots “Antimicrobial” and “Bacteria” received enthusiastic attention from everyone. In additionally, these funny characters have contributed to spreading the knowledge about antimicrobial resistance and the message “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together” for everyone who attended the events.

Exciting “flashmob” to open the event week

Since 2015, antibiotic prescription policies and guidelines have been developed by FV. Over the years, these policies and procedures have been continuously improved, and better communicated to patients and relatives. At the beginning of the week, representatives of key departments involved in the control processes of antibiotic use, such as Dr Henri Maries (Deputy Medical Director), Mr. Friend Maviza (Head of Laboratory & Blood Bank), Dr Vu Truong Son (Head of Infectious Diseases Department), Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib (Head of Pharmacy), affirmed again their support for the WAAW’s campaigns.

WAAW always receives special attention from all FV staff

Every year, FV organised knowledge sharing sessions on antimicrobial resistance for all employees and the neighborhood community, during the event week. Dr Duong Bich Thuy and Mr Friend Maviza updated attendees about the situation of antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam, as well as the current activities FV to deal with this situation. According to Dr Bich Thuy, studies show that every year there are about 700,000 people dying from antimicrobial resistance. This number is likely to increase to 10 million people/year by 2050, if we do not have a strong response now.

Dr Duong Bich Thuy shows that antimicrobial resistance is a very urgent problem in Vietnam

Dr Do Huu Nam presentation on new studies in the infections treatment caused by CRE

Meanwhile, in clinical expertise, Dr Do Huu Nam and Dr Tran Thi To Quyen shared the new study on the treatment of CRE infections and pneumonia in the ICU. It proves that medical science is constantly evolving to find new ways of treatment, to reduce the risk of antimicrobial resistance for patients. However, the speakers also emphasised that it’s crucial to have communications with the community to help people understand the causes and consequences of antimicrobial resistance.

Mr Friend Maviza shared the experiences of FV in fighting antibiotic resistance

Dr Tran Thi To Quyen emphasised that antibiotics dose decrease in the treatment of pneumonia in the ICU

Throughout the week, the organising team launched a video contest on the topic “Preventing antimicrobial resistance together”. After gathering videos joining the contest on Facebook, the organisers selected three winning videos. Accordingly, the Nursing Department of the Internal Medicine Department (East Wing) won the first prize gaining more than 100 interactions. The runners up were the Nursing Department and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), respectively. The content of the videos has shown the danger of antimicrobial resistance, and called for everyone’s collaboration in this important fight.

The Nursing Department of Internal Medicine (East Wing) won the first prize in the video competition.

Closing the 2022 WAAW themed “”Preventing antimicrobial resistance together”, FV Hospital hopes to contribute importance voices in the hospital network to join hands and prevent this dangerous situation in Vietnam from getting worse. Thereby, it brought general awareness to the community about antibiotic resistance, and improve safety for the patients at FV, as well as hospitals all other hospitals.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites develop over time. Accordingly, they no longer respond to medications and make infections harder to be treated. It also increases the risk of spread, leading to serious illness and in some cases, death. As antimicrobial resistance develops, the medications become ineffective, making it increasingly difficult or even impossible to treat the patient. Researchers estimate that AMR caused about 1.27 million deaths in 2019