A lot of love have been sent to FV Frontline Staff

While working in the office, Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Tram who is the VIP services coordinator received a message from Ms Pham Thi Nam, one of our “familiar” patients, to get 50 boxes of instant noodles at the delivery bay to support “FV frontline staff in the fight to against the COVID-19 epidemic”.

Currently, FV Hospital and the medical staff have been receiving lots of gifts which were sent silently from many individuals and organisations. They are patients, volunteer groups, dairy companies, charity organisations and even the “back of house” staff of FV Family. Lots of types of gifts are sent: cool bottles of water, lunch, instant noodles boxes, milk cartons, and even PPE. Although they carry out their work quietly, that action has helped to encourage and care for both mental and physical aspects of many doctors, nurses, and support staff at FV Hospital who continue in their fight against COVID-19 epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City.

At the vaccination points in the community, gifts sent to the injection team frequently. They were bottles of juice, lunch and fruits. Ms Nguyen Thi Ly (Medical Office Manager) who is currently coordinating the vaccination teams at SECC shared: “We don’t know who sent the gifts, but there are also cards with heartfelt messages of encouragement in the gifts. Staff who work here are very happy to receive such gifts”. The working conditions at the vaccination points are usually hot and inconvenient so when people show they see the concerns of those of people around it is like a cool wind to help the staff who are working in here to feel contented.

At the same time at FV Hospital, many doctors and managers have tried their best to support in their ability in both mental and physical aspects for frontline staff. A lot of PPE and masks were silently gifted to the injection teams or staff who has been taking care of COVID-19 patients in the treatment area. Everyone hoped that with a little gift, it could help to reduce the stress of colleagues. Moreover, all people hoped that frontline staff will be happy and more secured because there are many people still behind them to support them.

Dr Nguyen Viet Quynh Thu (Head of Nutrition & Dietetics Department) shared: “I see that my colleagues work very hard, fearing that people do not have enough time to eat properly, I find the ways to support them”. Dr Thu’s intention also coincided with the plan of the companies including Pacific Healthcare Vietnam, Nestle and B. Braun, so that everyone wanted to join hands with the frontline staff in as many ways as possible. Along with energising and motivating the frontline staff through nutritional supplements, Nestle company also sent nearly 700 gifts to the children of medical staff working at FV. Besides, Pacific Healthcare VN Co., Ltd also donated nearly 1,000 boxes of DG formula goat milk to the staff participating in the epidemic fight and children hospitalised in FV Hospital. They hope that those of gifts will not only support nutrition for the children during the epidemic but also give them more joy and health to help their parent be more comfortable in work.

With the hope to send to FV doctors and frontline staff the love of many people. Currently, Stay Strong Saigon Organisation has sent 1,000 PPE and N-95 Masks to FV Hospital. This is a social organisation, which started out as a small group at first, but has developed to become an organisation supporting frontline medical workers in Ho Chi Minh City. The founder of Stay Strong Saigon – Ms Tiffany Quynh Tran shared: “We hope that through our support, we will help doctors and nurses keep their spirit up and always know they have the wholehearted support of their compatriots behind them!” Besides the gifts of PPE, her charity organisation will continue mobilising more resources in Vietnam and abroad to support with the medical staff in Ho Chi Minh city in the fight against COVID-19 epidemic.

FV Hospital appreciates the loves of many individuals as well as organisations for FV frontline staff. A smile can change a day and meaningful actions, encouragement words can completely change the life of society. With the love of all people and the daily effort of all staff at FV Hospital, we will overcome those of difficult days. Everything will pass and the epidemic will end. The humanity in Saigon will remain for a long time.