Abdominoplasty with liposuction at FV Lifestyle can help you to regain a slim, smooth body contour

Due to the advanced liposuction and abdominal shaping methods available at FV Lifestyle Clinic, FV Hospital, hundreds of women and men with belly fat concerns have regained a slim, smooth abdominal contour.

All aesthetic surgeries are performed by a team of qualified anesthesiologists and surgeons in an international-standard operating room utilising the latest equipment, making FV Lifestyle a leading destination for liposuctions and tummy tucks which offer the highest standards of patient safety with optimal results.

A saggy midriff can reshaped and restored via liposuction technology

A large tummy or wrinkled, sagging skin can be an obsession for both women and men, resulting in a lack of confidence and lower quality of life.

Liposuction and abdominal shaping can help women and even men regain a toned waist and beautiful smooth skin

French doctor Philippe Maxant, Head of FV Lifestyle Clinic, is experienced in treating excess belly fat, loose skin and wrinkles using liposuction and abdominal shaping surgery and has helped hundreds of clients to achieve a flat, toned stomach.

The latest methods not only reduce the waistline, but shape the abdomen to solve problems such as muscle relaxation in the abdominal wall, excess abdominal skin and umbilical hernia which cannot be treated with exercise or other interventions.

Dr Philippe Maxant, Head of FV Lifestyle, FV Hospital, advises clients on beauty services

Abdominoplasty with liposuction begins with subcutaneous liposuction. Depending on the degree of excess skin, as well as the degree of displacement of muscle tissue, the doctor will choose a position to make the necessary incision in the lower abdomen to adjust the abdominal muscles to achieve the client’s desired aesthetic. The surgeon then removes excess skin and tightens the remainder, usually by pulling the upper skin down to the lower abdomen and securing it to the abdominal muscles.

“Because wrinkled, sagging or cracked skin has been removed, the patient will have a slimmer and smoother waist after surgery. If they adopt a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and maintain  a moderate weight, they can maintain that result permanently,” shares Dr Philippe, adding that this method requires rest and strict postoperative care to achieve the best results. At FV, a liposuction-abdominoplasty procedure usually takes between two and three hours, after which the patient will stay in the hospital for at least one night for observation and care. They will wear a special gown designed to limit risk of haematoma and aedema while also reducing pressure on the abdomen after surgery.

When returning home, the patient needs to rest for at least a week and receive anticoagulant injections to avoid any complications related to arterial embolism. Subsequently, they can engage in light activity but must refrain from sports or manual labour for at least eight weeks after surgery.

Liposuction and plastic and aesthetic surgeries involving the abdominal wall: Complicated invasive methods which require strict safety protocols

Many places in Vietnam, including spas, advertise liposuction-abdominoplasty, and many deaths have been recorded due to inexperienced surgeons driving the liposuction rod too deep and causing intestinal perforation, or damage to the liver and other important organs. There are also risks due to improper anaesthesia and facilities and operating rooms which are not sterile.

Liposuction-abdominoplasty procedures at FV Lifestyle are performed in a sterile operating room

Head of FV Lifestyle Dr Philippe emphasised that this is a complicated invasive surgical method which requires anaesthesia, and needs to be performed by a highly qualified doctor with many years of experience in a suitable medical environment. At FV, surgeries are performed in quality operating rooms with completely sterile instruments according to Joint Commission International (JCI) medical standards. As a result, the patient receives maximum protection from the risks of surgery, especially infection.

FV Lifestyle offers comfortable, luxurious spaces, equipped with the most advanced aesthetics technologies

No matter how skilled the surgeon, any unexpected complications during anaesthesia can be extremely dangerous. FV’s excellent, well-trained anaesthesiologists always conduct a thorough physical examination and pre-anaesthesia consultation with every patient before an invasive surgery.

The primary surgeon plays a crucial role in the success of every abdominoplasty with liposuction. FV Hospital surgeons are all highly qualified and internationally certified and the French-Vietnamese team of plastic surgeons at FV is led by Dr Philippe Maxant—a seasoned specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery from France who ensures the department keeps pace with current aesthetic trends. Dr Philippe has more than 35 years of plastic surgery experience in many hospitals. Previously, he was Head of the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Department of Nancy University (France), a senior doctor at 9 People’s Hospital and People’s Hospital, both in Shanghai, and worked at Jean Villar Institute, France.

From now until January 31, 2023, FV Lifestyle is offering discounts of up to 30 per cent to help customers welcome the New Year. This special promotion includes 20 per cent off plastic surgery packages and non-invasive cosmetic packages (fillers, Botox, threads), and 30 per cent off unlimited skin and laser services.

For details of promotions and to book an appointment with FV Lifestyle, call: 0938 506 406 hoặc (028) 5411 3366