At What Age Should a Person Get Braces? Which Orthodontic Technology Is the Best?

To address conditions such as crowded teeth, wide teeth, protrusion, under bite and open bite, orthodontics can both help to correct structural issues that might reduce the lifespan of a tooth and impede the ability to chew, while creating aesthetic improvements for a confident, beautiful smile.

But at what age can or should a person get braces? And which technology provides optimal results? Below, we share insights from dental experts so that you can make the best choice.

Demand for braces is widespread and growing

Orthodontics can be applied from six years onwards, but orthodontic devices are more typically prescribed for patients aged from 12 to 16 years old. Many parents find this conflicting information confusing. Dr Nguyen Thi Giang, Specialist Level I, who works at the Maxillofacial and Dental Department of FV Hospital and has more than 17 years of experience in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery, confirms: the age at which braces are recommended is specific to each case and the condition of each patient’s teeth.

As soon as a child develops baby teeth, parents should begin taking them to their dentist for regular check-ups to ensure good dental and oral health. It is essential to take good care of baby teeth so that individuals can develop healthy, beautiful teeth as an adult. FV’s Maxillofacial and Dental Department recently provided orthodontic treatment for a nine-year-old girl whose two front adult teeth were growing apart. Her parents brought her to the dentist as soon as they discovered that their daughter’s front teeth had erupted approximately 10 millimetres apart, which is much more widely spaced than usual. An X-ray revealed that, hidden deep under the gums, two supernumerary teeth were pressing down so that the two front teeth were unable to close normally as they grew. Following surgery to remove the two extra teeth, the child was given braces to pull the two front teeth closer together, helping to ensure she felt confident when communicating.

Dr Nguyen Thi Giang emphasised: “Everything about a smile that we see as deviant or ‘ugly’ can be adjusted, and anyone can be treated. However, when a baby’s teeth start to change, parents need to detect misaligned teeth and apply preventive orthodontic steps as early as possible to optimise their child’s ability to chew, as well as ensure that they feel confident with their laugh and smile as they get older. A smile is equal to 10 tonics for yourself, but a beautiful smile is also a tonic for everyone you interact with.”

Dr Giang also shared that it is necessary to know how to choose the most appropriate aesthetic orthodontic technology to obtain your desired results. According to Dr Giang, the most modern, convenient aesthetic orthodontic technology available in today’s marketplace is VinciSmile transparent trays, which are almost completely invisible and suitable for all ages.

This method does not use traditional metal brackets and wires, sometimes known as “train track” braces, which can be uncomfortable. Inside, VinciSmile technology utilises transparent trays to adjust and arrange each tooth to the desired position on the jaw. These trays are almost invisible, and so many patients undergo treatment without onlookers realising they have braces. During the treatment process, the patient will undergo regular check-ups and wear a series of transparent trays according to tailored instructions from their dentist. As they progress through treatment, changing each tray every few weeks or months, their teeth will gradually change position.

“Another great advantage is that these transparent aligners are removable, so you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth comfortably—they do not affect the daily life of the wearer. For best results, adults should wear the fixative 20 to 22 hours a day,” explains Dr Giang.

See your end results at the beginning of treatment

Another benefit of VinciSmile orthodontics is that its advanced 3D Scheme computer graphics technology enables users to see how their misaligned teeth will gradually move to the correct position.

Advanced 3D Scheme technology enables doctors and patients to see final results in advance

VinciSmile transparent tray technology offers outstanding cosmetic and functional advantages when compared to previous conventional braces, and has been quickly deployed by FV Hospital to meet the needs of our patients while enabling them to smile confidently, both during treatment and once treatment is complete.

In addition to orthodontic and dental care services, FV Hospital’s Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery also offers cosmetic jaw surgery to create V-line faces, and treats diseases of and damage to the teeth and jaws.

FV Hospital’s Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery is distinguished in Vietnam for offering an infection control and patient safety process which meets JCI international standards, ensuring a sterile dental clinic and operating room environment where the latest technical procedures are deployed to deliver the best outcomes possible for each patient.

Many patients trust FV Hospital’s Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery to treat dental and maxillofacial problems.

Above all, FV Hospital is staffed by a well-trained, experienced and professional medical team. Our surgeons, consultation specialists, technicians and nurses are dedicated to patient care and satisfaction.

Can I eat comfortably while wearing braces?

There are no food restrictions for patients undergoing VinciSmile orthodontic treatment. Unlike fixed braces with wires and brackets, VinciSmile’s clear aligners can be easily removed before meals, which means they offer another great advantage: you can continue to enjoy your favourite foods, snacks and drinks!

Are VinciSmile Orthodontics painful?

No, VinciSmile aligners do not cause pain. Temporary discomfort may occur when a new tray is inserted due to the pressure that the tray exerts on the teeth, indicating that the teeth are moving and your treatment is progressing.

Can you explain a typical VinciSmile orthodontic process?

At FVH, the orthodontic process with VinciSmile transparent trays comprises six steps. During your first visit, your dentist will complete a full examination and take scans, X-rays and photographs, before consulting with you regarding your concerns and desired results. Your dentist will then use VinciSmile’s software to develop a tailored treatment plan to meet your unique needs, repositioning your teeth to create a beautiful arch shape over time. The manufacturer will then produce your series of trays. After receiving trays from the manufacturer, your dentist will guide you on how to use and clean your trays. You should wear each tray regularly, ideally 20 to 22 hours a day, switching trays out at the prescribed stages. You will return to your dentist by appointment to check the progress of your treatment and receive your new trays for the subsequent orthodontic period. During your final visit on completion of treatment, more X-rays and silicone impressions will be taken, and your dentist will explain how to remain your results.

Do VinciSmile trays make it hard to speak?

Trays do not interfere with pronunciation. However, as with traditional braces, there is an initial adjustment period due to the sensation of something new in your mouth. The time to get to know this “new friend” is usually no more than two weeks.

Do teeth continue to move once treatment is concluded?

In the same way our bodies change during the course of our lives, developing wrinkles and grey hair, our teeth move over time, whether we have received orthodontic treatment or not. The best way to maintain your results is use the aligners as prescribed during your treatment period, and have regular check-ups at FV Hospital so that we can detect any changes in your jaw and teeth at the earliest opportunity.

To help more patients benefit from VinciSmile’s modern technology and enjoy a confident smile, from now until September 30, 2022, FV Hospital is offering a 15 per cent discount on transparent braces.

For detailed information about VinciSmile technology, please contact the Department of Dentistry and Maxillofacial surgery via our hotline (028) 54113435, or visit: