On 22th, 23th, 26th, 27th, 29th November and 1st December, 2010, Dr.Pierre Coulon will provide OPD consultation and perform surgeries for patients of FV hospital. Dr. Coulon has over 15 years experience as a French oculo – plastics/aesthetic lid surgeon. In France, Dr. Coulon successfully performed over 7,000 oculo – plastics/aesthetic lid surgeries.
Dr. Coulon is an expert in: removing bags of fat near the eyes with no scars, no stitches and a short recovery time, recreating eyelids for patients who were born with abnormal eyelids or have suffered an accident in the region, Botox treatment, particularly in face palsy treatment.

For a consultancy session with Dr. Coulon, please contact (08) 62 90 61 67