Bringing Modern Medical Closer to Cancer Patients

Currently, access to modern techniques in cancer treatment is no longer out of reach for hospitals and cancer centers in the country. However, in order to deploy these techniques to bring high efficiency to patients at a reasonable cost, it is necessary to prepare and invest.

Human resources are the key element in all treatment techniques

Many cancer treatment techniques are being developed and applied more and more widely around the world and in Vietnam. Most cancer centres are adopting multi-modal therapies, which combine many treatment methods). Great strides are being made in each modality, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. Many hospitals in Vietnam are now able to access these modalities, but still face some obstacles to put medical developments into practice.

With more than 20 years working in the field of oncology, Dr Basma M’Barek, Head of Hy Vong Cancer Care Center, FV Hospital, is focused on developing standard procedures for new techniques to increase the effectiveness of treatment. Dr Basma constantly references cancer treatment guidelines in the US, Canada and Australia, and adjusts best practices to fit the reality in Vietnam so that Hy Vong Cancer Centre can always offer the same care standards available in developed nations.

Dr. Basma M’Barek, Head of Hy Vong Cancer Treatment Center – FV Hospital, is a pioneer in applying science and technology to increase treatment efficiency for patients.

Dr Basma gained extensive oncology experience in France and says her top priorities are applying advanced treatment techniques which require a high degree of accuracy, such as Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) or Brachy Therapy, continually upgrading facilities with state-of-the-art equipment, and providing ongoing training for her team of engineers, doctors, nurses and radiotherapy technicians. To meet these goals, FV sends the medical staff at Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre to attend training programmes, both domestically and abroad, and invites experts in guidance and teaching to visit FV Hospital to offer practical training onsite.

Ongoing staff training is a top priority at Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre

 “At my Centre, anyone involved in the treatment of a patient must be fully trained in the technique at hand and fully understand their role to ensure delivery of the most effective healthcare, from the time the patient enters the Centre until they leave the hospital,” emphasised Dr Basma.

Helping more cancer patients access modern medicine right in Vietnam

FV Hospital’s Medical Director, Do Trong Khanh, MD, PhD, said, “Thanks to FV’s pioneering investment in facilities, application of new technologies, effective treatment guidelines maintained in line with developed countries, and focus on the Centre’s ongoing human resource development, our Hospital can offer a standard of healthcare that’s on par with developed countries at a more reasonable cost.” Taking advantage of its status as an international standard multi-specialty hospital, FV has built a complete cancer treatment process with close coordination from the surgical department and specialties such as pain treatment, psychology and nutrition, which is trusted by many cancer patients. During the pandemic, many patients who could not continue with their treatment at hospitals in their own country were transferred to FV.

FV Hospital strives to offer premium international-standard healthcare in Vietnam at a reasonable cost

Dr Basma believes that FV’s great advantage lies in the Center’s professional talent. “Our team members are the best of both worlds: they have a solid amount of experience and knowledge that they are constantly building upon, and are nimble and adaptable so that they can quickly approach and tap new developments in medicine,” explains Dr Basma. Thanks to FV’s early, methodical investment in this field, Dr Basma believes that the cancer treatment services available to patients are similar to the standards offered in Europe or the US. As a result, she expects the rate of remission to be on par with international hospitals.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre regularly organises and participates in specialised seminars and international discussions with a team of leading experts around the world. The team also conducts remote consultations with leading domestic and international cancer treatment facilities such as Cho Ray Hospital, HCG Center (India), AIG Hospital (India), and experts in Oncology and radiation therapy in France. All are aimed at developing the medical team at FV and the standard of care available in Vietnam.

Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre regularly organises and participates in specialised seminars and international discussions with a team of leading experts around the world

Through that, the ultimate benefit is helping to optimise the treatment efficiency for cancer patients, helping them receive the best care, along with the dedicated and experienced companionship from the medical staff.

In 2015, Ho Chi Minh City Social Security signed a contract with FV, agreeing to pay for cancer patients treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy at FV’s Oncology Department (Hy Vong Cancer Care Centre), including the cost of treatment techniques and chemotherapy drugs. With this cooperation program, FV wishes to help reduce the financial burden for patients, create conditions for more and more patients to have the opportunity to access modern treatment techniques as well as medical services that reach the highest international standard. Thousands of patients have been supported, with coverage up to 50% of the total treatment cost.

To schedule an appointment for cancer consultation and treatment at FV Hospital, please contact: (028) 5411 3440 or (028) 5411 3333, ext: 5000