FV Hospital successfully im-plants the first wireless artifi-cial cardiac pacemaker with atrial sensor in Vietnam

Imported corneas offer more opportunities for patients who require corneal transplants in Vietnam to regain their sight

FV Doctors Save a Foreign Traveler to Vietnam After He Falls into a Coma at His Hotel

An Indonesian tourist was promptly saved by FV Hospital doctors after his abdominal organs migrated into his chest cavity

Elderly farmer who suffered from a severe hip infection for 2 years can now walk well again

FV doctors save an 82-year-old patient after a stroke and a complication of coronary artery disease

A Woman Becomes a Mother After Three Miscarriages Due to a Rare Abnormal Gene

After a short surgery, a Cambodian patient is free of the knee pain she has suffered for 10 years

FV Hospital treats cerebrovascular diseases with minimally invasive techniques

Patients with stomach cancer improve after having treatment at FV hospital

Turkish patient with multiple facial injuries is successfully treated at FV

A corneal transplant restores the vision of a 15-year-old boy, along with his chance of a bright future

Hand surgery magician Stéphane Guero: transforming hands, transforming futures

Regain your hearing with Dr Bernard Colin, a surgical expert from France