Closing of the Event ‘World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week 2023’ – Preventing Antimicrobial Resistance Together

On the morning of 24th November, the closing ceremony of the World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2023 event at the Outpatient Pharmacy marked the end of a week filled with useful activities, that brought participation from employees and the surrounding community.

Mr Fazli expressed his gratitude at the closing ceremony and thanked all the attendees.

Expressing his gratitude at the closing ceremony, Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib (Quality Management Director cum Head of Pharmacy) thanked the Board of Directors, Organising Teams and sponsors; he particularly appreciated the enthusiastic participation of patients, relatives, and FV staff. He emphasised that “Antibiotic resistance is a global problem requiring collective efforts to address it.”

During the closing ceremony, prizes were awarded to individuals who excelled in the Facebook photo contest. Accordingly, the third prize went to Mr Tran Xuan Hung (Patient Services Clerk), the second prize went to Ms Doan Thi Hoa Hue (Interpreter – Russian) and the first prize was awarded to Do Ngoc Nhu Y – a pharmacy student, who is on a study tour at FV Hospital. They all expressed their joy being able to contribute to spreading the meaningful message of the event to those around them.

The Organising Teams awarded prizes to the top 3 winners of the Facebook Photo contest.

In the lectured about antibiotics for clinical and paraclinical staff, speakers provided updates about the current situation of antimicrobial resistance in Vietnam and globally.

One of five talks at the event week (In photo: PhD. Dr Duong Bich Thuy is talking about Antibiotic Allergy & Antimicrobial stewardship)

They highlighted misconceptions in antibiotic prescriptions, proposed options for specific situations, and clarified the management model of antibiotic prescription and use, as well as the process of screening for antimicrobial-resistance issues in our hospitalised patients.

MC shared his gratitude speech to all the attendees and concluded the closing ceremony.

World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2023 has officially concluded, but the fight against the spread of drug resistance is just beginning. Despite the event’s closing, FV Hospital, having devoted significant resources to raising awareness, hopes that community participation and collaboration will continue to grow in the on-going battle against antibiotic resistance in Vietnam.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to drugs. Due to drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobials become ineffective, making the infection more difficult to treat, or impossible to treat; increases the risk of spreading the disease, causing serious illness and death. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, from 2020 to 2023, Vietnam will experience over 290,000 deaths due to antibiotic resistance, emphasising the urgency of addressing this global health challenge.