Mrs Võ Thị Ngọc Ánh from Nha Trang City was rewarded with a VND 15 million Thegioididong voucher for taking part in a survey on FV Hospital’s service quality during the first quarter of 2018. FVH regularly undertakes reviews of the quality of services we offer our patients in order to constantly improve the hospital’s performance.

The survey is conducted quarterly by FVH with the cooperation of Cimigo, a leading research and consulting firm. One lucky client who has reviewed their experiences with FV’s services will be chosen from all survey participants via random draw.

Speaking to a representative of FVH’s Marketing Department, Mrs Ngọc Ánh says:

My family is from Nha Trang City but my son lives and works in the US. When we moved to HCMC, he chose to live in District 7 as he wanted us to stay near to FVH to secure the best possible healthcare for our whole family. Because my son wanted us to take out medical insurance with FVH, I bought membership cards to protect my family’s health; luckily, I also won the prize by completing the survey.

She continues: “Only those who have been treated at FVH can speak to the hospital’s superior service quality and its doctors’ excellent skills. A few days ago, my daughter-in-law gave birth to our granddaughter at FVH. I will use this prize to buy a gift for my grandchild.”

For Mrs Ngọc Ánh’s family, welcoming a new family member and at the same time receiving a voucher of VND 15 million has been a time of great joy.

FVH wholeheartedly congratulates Mrs Ngọc Ánh and her family, and also expresses its appreciation to them for choosing FVH as the trusted healthcare provider for her family.