Dr Hoang Quang Minh Joined FV Cardiology Department

Dr Hoang Quang Minh graduated from University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City in 2007.  Since graduation Dr Quang Minh has attended in numerous advanced training courses in his cardiovascular specialty in Vietnam and abroad including: Echocardiography, Holter ECG, ECG stress test Tilt test, heart echo stress test, Abdominal ultrasound; Cardiology intervention, specially coronary angiogram; Foetal echocardiography and congenital heart disease; Electrophysiology and pacing procedures; Cardiac electrophysiology and pacing procedures and patient management, especially Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation Training.

Dr Quang Minh is has highly specialised and experience in the treatment of cardiology diseases such as General cardiology and Arrhythmia, Catheter ablation of atrial arrhythmias, Catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias and pacemaker implantation.

During his 13 years’ experience, Dr Hoang Quang Minh has worked at Tam Duc Cardiology Hospital (2008 – 2014), University of Medicine (2014 – 2020). In November 2020, Dr Hoang Quang Minh joined FV hospital with our Cardiology Department.

With his experience and ability Dr Hoang Quang Minh, we know that he will assist FV’s Cardiology Department to develop further and will to bring many effective and safe treatments for our patients.