Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, CEO of FV hospital, has been honoured as manager of the year

Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, CEO of FV Hospital, has had the honour of being awarded Manager of the Year by the European Business Assembly (EBA). This award celebrates the success of regional businesses and top-level managers from all over the world, who have been making large contributions and positive changes in their professional areas as well as regional and global economic growth.

Our CEO, Jean-Marcel Guillon, was very surprised to receive this honourable award since he did not get any prior contact or notice from EBA. To obtain the basis for assessment on Dr. Jean-Marcel’s contributions in healthcare investment, EBA obtained information from a variety of different sources.

John W. A. Netting, EBA General Director said: “Ultimately leadership is about doing the things that drive action, get results, and improve performance. It is the ability to influence and motivate others, and provide the tools and environment to allow others to make the best contribution towards the attainment of their goals. They might not set out to be a leader, but they become one by the quality of their actions and the integrity of their intent. Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, CEO of FV Hospital, is definitely a true leader who satisfies all these requirements and expectations”.

Dr. Jean-Marcel came to Vietnam with the hope of helping Vietnamese people have access to world-class healthcare. Step-by-step he has built and developed FV Hospital which was the first international standard hospital in Vietnam.  It is now considered on par with leading hospitals in the region; however, Dr. Jean-Marcel’s ambition has not stopped here. He is committed to making FV Hospital one of the leading hospitals in all of South East Asia. This award provides for a lot of encouragement, not only for Dr. Jean-Marcel but also to all the staff at FV Hospital in their journey of improving the quality of healthcare available in Vietnam.

Nominees for Manager of the Year Award of EBA are selected on the basis of following criteria:

Vision and Leadership

The nominee must demonstrate vision, and leadership, and adopt the company’s strategy and policy. This includes specific situations or initiatives where the nominee’s insight, discernment and ability lead and inspire, and have guided his or her organisation to new levels of growth, achievement or recognition.

Company Performance and Effectiveness

Excellent CEO effectively administrates all of the company’s processes through modern financial, HR and marketing tools and his company’s performance is made up of some indicators, such as market performance, financial information, product and services quality, PR methods and policy.

Individual Management Skills

The main skills include ability to interact and motivate his managers and staff, ability to understand concepts, the development of ideas and implement theory into practice.

Innovation Level

The innovation level of the nominee’s organization from its commencement to present is also a measure to management talent of an excellent manager.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In addition to corporate performance and innovation, a truly outstanding CEO uses his or her private sector skills and creativity to help the community overcome social or environmental problems.