Dr Nguyen Anh Hoang – Cardiovascular Intervention Team – Cardiology department, FV Hospital

Doctor Nguyen Anh Hoang graduated from Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City, in 2016. In addition, doctor Anh Hoang has participated in fellowship programmes in Electrocardiogram (2018), Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (2018-2019), Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Disease (2019).

As a young doctor with talent and enthusiasm for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, Dr Anh Hoang has helped many patients maintain their health and overcome disease. Doctor Anh Hoang specialises in the treatment of: Cardiac Intensive Care; Percutaneous Coronary Interventions; Peripheral Vascular Interventions; Percutaneous Valvuloplasty for Mitral Regurgitation and Stenosis; Septum Defects and Patent Ductus Arteriosus.

Dr Anh Hoang previously has worked at the Cardiology Department, District 2 Hospital (2016-2017), Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Tam Duc Cardiology Hospital (2017-2020). In 2021, Dr Anh Hoang officially joined our Cardiology Department. He specialises in cardiovascular interventions.

According to Dr Anh Hoang, the cardiovascular intervention field involves advanced and challenging treatment techniques that he has great passion for. He wants to conquer this field in his medical career. Hopefully, Dr Anh Hoang will help the FV Cardiology Department to grow stronger and be the influential element for delivering successful interventional treatment for many patients.