Dr Henri Maries, the Deputy Medical Director of FV, has always been known for his professional critically sharp thinking while maintaining a dignified demeanour. This combination created a unique image of the doctor. Among his close colleagues, Dr Maries is known for his vast knowledge and fierce dedication to medicine, which have contributed to his distinguished career.

Being with FV since his early days, Dr Henri Maries has been a trusted friend and advisor to Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon. After over 45 years of devotion to the medical industry, including more than 10 years in

Critical positions at FV, he has decided to prioritise his time for his family and personal pursuits.

Driven by the perfectionism and determination

Dr Henri has achieved numerous milestones during his time at FV. His impact on the Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Control was notably profound. When he first joined, the department was in its early stage without a functioning framework. However, over the years, his work ethic and collaboration with his Vietnamese colleagues have gradually shaped the distinct “FV culture.”

Dr Henri is preparing for his new role at the Medical Office.

A longstanding colleague, who was his successor as Department Head, Dr Nguyen Thi Lam Giang (Former Head of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Control Department) said: “He was the one who laid the first foundation and brought the unique working style to the department.” His diligence, meticulousness, and pursuit of perfection sometimes contributed to a harsh image for him, especially during times when he was directly involved in treatment.

“His fierceness and hot temperedness when things went wrong with his principles of treatment is like a specialty in the ICU,” shared Mr Do Chi Tam (Head Nurse of the ICU). He can get angry at a sudden change from the treatment instructions, or speaks loudly when medication or anaesthetic equipment is not fully prepared. At first, this may sound completely different from the image of a doctor for many people. However, this response contributed to maintaining much-needed discipline within the department.

Some people consider doctors as having a big ego with a domineering personality. In some circumstances, it is understandable, given the amount of knowledge they are forced to continuously absorb and the pressure of responsibility they have to bearin their decisions. One decision can affect a life. Dr Lam Giang thinks the assertiveness of Dr Henri is a personal working style, and it has provided a foundation for FV shape a culture that created the best safety standards putting the patient first. “However, he doesn’t always make rational decisions,” said Dr Giang.

The spirit of learning and working without age boundaries

“However, after calming down, he will listen to our concerns and acknowledge our decisions if they are correct and in the best interest of the patient. I do respect him for this,” Dr Lam Giang continued. It is the demanding attitude of a person who listens and always wants to learn. Many people have confirmed Dr Henri’s eagerness in learning, reading, and keeping up with modern medicine. It has become a familiar image of him until this day.

Dr Do Trong Khanh (Medical Director) expressed his great appreciation for Dr Henri’s profound knowledge, experience, and working style. Dr Khanh thinks of Dr Henri as a “weather forecast” in medical professionalism. “Every time he focused on something, it would be a key thing that I needed to pay attention to. He always chooses more difficult things to do, which partly shared the burden for me and helped me have more time to learn,” Dr Khanh shared. For Dr Khanh, Dr Henri is a highly respected colleague, he considers Dr Henri as a teacher and a father. He learned many valuable things from Dr Henri.

Like many other doctors at FV Hospital, Dr Henri has completed the mission of transferring generations

After many years of working with Dr Henri as his secretary, Ms Le Thi Kim Khanh (Personal Assistant to Medical Director) found a significant calmness and passion in Dr Henri. The image of him always carrying a stethoscope, being ready to support the treatment team and spending time to carefully examine every patient, was a familiar sight for Ms Khanh. “He maintained this great care over time, visiting patients every day,” Ms Khanh added.

Ms Kim Khanh said that Dr Henri was very patient when answering everyone’s questions

The nostalgia around here

“Although it is predictable, and I have also prepared for this, there is still an undeniable emptiness in my heart. I think I will miss Dr Henri,” Dr Khanh shared. In the four years of working together, whether through understanding or luck, the two have never had disagreement or conflict. The harmony in their work, created a great “old & young” pair in consultation meetings, that was sure to impress many FV doctors.

For individuals who have worked at FV for more than 10 years, especially 20 years, they probably understand more deeply the role and contribution the French doctor had in shaping the FV culture today. Every goodbye creates a void. But the legacy left through years of hard work fulfilling their responsibilities, through their long-standing associates, has built a strong foundation for a new beginning.

“One old tree”, Dr Lam Giang uses this image to talk about Dr Henri. The image of a tall doctor walking around will not be here anymore. “His leaving will certainly create a void in the hearts of many people, yet life still goes on and we need to accept it”, said Dr Lam Giang

In his farewell, Dr Henri still did not forget to entrust his whole career to fellow doctors, “I have no advice to give you except to treat your patients as you would like your grandmother or your child be treated”. He also expressed that he would miss everyone at FV very much.

This afternoon, a normal afternoon, Dr Henri Maries sat outside in the garden to converse with his long-standing colleagues. On the other side, the partition has covered the housing he has used for many years. After a few years, there will also be a beautiful building replacing the old one. He will not be at FV until that day, but he is pleased that his years at FV have helped build the new vision.