FV awards the most fortunate customer for the hospital quality assurance program survey

In order to improve the quality of customer service, FV has cooperated with Cimigo to organize a hospital quality inspection program. In the last quarter of 2017, Le Ngoc Hong became the lucky winner of the program and owned the prize as a voucher worth 15.000.000 VND in the TheGioi Di Dong.

On the other hand, on the afternoon of January 9, 2018, Ms. Phan Thi Lan Huong – Head of customer service of FV presented the award and also thanked Ms. Hong for trusting and accompanying with FV throughout this time. Sharing with FV, Ms. Hong said:

“I am very glad and surprised to receive this award. FV has not only a good quality of service, but also excellent and knowledge doctors that make me actually satisfied.”

It is known that the hospital quality inspection service is offered to customers who have been experiencing medical services at FV and each quarter will have a dialup program to find out the lucky persons to award the prize.