FV Awards VND 15 Million Voucher for Q3/2022 Service Quality Survey Lucky Draw

In mid-October 2022, FV Hospital awarded the Service Quality Survey Lucky Draw for Q3/2022 to Mr L. J. Andre, a French patient who resides with his family in Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province.

Despite living in central Vietnam, Mr Andre’s family members have chosen FV as their long-time trusted healthcare provider for regular medical check-ups and treatment. Ms T. T. K. Huong, Mr Andre’s wife, said: “Although we live far from Ho Chi Minh City, for nearly 15 years, my family has always placed its trust in FV and travelled to FV Hospital for most of our healthcare needs.” This family cited the expertise of FV’s clinical team among their reasons for coming here for care. In addition, they find the ability to schedule appointments more convenient than visiting a centre with a drop-in patient model, especially considering they live so far away.

Ms Huong said her family was surprised to receive the notice from FV staff, and she was very happy when their award was announced at the perfect time to help the family fulfill some of its needs. “We often give feedback to FV, but we didn’t know about the survey, so it was really a surprise when we received the lucky draw prize,” she shared.

The lucky draw has only increased the satisfaction that Mr Andre’s family feel regarding services offered by FV. They also thanked the medical staff for taking care of the family’s health for so many years. Once again, FV Hospital would like to congratulate Mr L. J. Andre and his family, and thank them for choosing FV as their trusted healthcare partner.

FV Hospital’s Quality Service Survey takes place quarterly, with support from market research firm Cimigo. The programme is designed to encourage patients and their families to provide reviews of and feedback on FV Hospital services. Through this initiative, FV can continue to improve services and offer the best patient experience possible for everyone visiting the hospital for treatment. At the end of each quarter, a random lucky draw is conducted on surveyor data. The voucher reward, valued at VND 15 million, is always a surprise gift for the customers selected to receive it.