FV Employee CODE 0001 Celebrating Her 20 Years of Employment at FV

On December 3, 2021, Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai – Chief Operations Officer, the first employee of FV has completed 20 years working at the hospital. To celebrate this event, the FV Board of Directors held a cosy party, to thank the dedication of “employee code 001”.

Joining FV in the early days when the hospital was the first international hospital project in Vietnam, as an assistant to Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon, Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai has accompanied the FV founder in the establishment phase and through the developing and operating process of the hospital for the past 20 years. Overcoming many challenges through tough times, FV couldn’t have achieved success without the devotion of this inspirational female leader.

In the cosy space of the party, the Board of Directors congratulated Ms Thanh Mai and showed her pictures of her 20-year journey with memories toldby Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon – the Chief Executive Officer of FV. Speaking at the party, Dr Jean-Marcel recalled the special interview with FV’s first employee and the journey to overcome many difficulties to grow FV as it is today. He said, to him and FV, Ms Thanh Mai – his dearest and most powerful assistant – is “Queen of FV”, “Number One at FV”. It’s not only because of her leadership at the hospital but also because of the way she loves her work and the people here. Above all, it’s because of her efforts and dedication to the hospital. With that sentiment, Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon also personally chose a special gift for Ms Thanh Mai on this anniversary.

”Thanh Mai’s 20-year journey at FV through pictures provided by Dr Jean-Marcel”

At the party, Ms Thanh Mai shared her feelings for FV with great emotion: “The first few days were rough and I thought I needed to reconsider my participation in the FV project. But I have to thank my ‘boss’, his feelings and love for Vietnam and FV have made me devote all my heart to support him to fulfill this dream.” To pass all other promising opportunities to devote to a project that is still on paper was a bold decision of Ms Thanh Mai. However, after 20 years, the dream of Dr Jean-Marcel has come true and is growing more and more.

Ms Thanh Mai told memories from the early days when FV’s office was just a small corner at a law office in the center of Saigon.

20 years is a long journey with different successes as well as challenges, some difficulties seem to make her fall, but Ms Thanh Mai is always there for FV. She said that every day when she comes to FV, she finds joy in her work and the affection from everyone. That has become the motivation to help her to continuously overcome difficulties and steer the “FV boat”.

Thanh Mai believes, ““If we want a rose, we have to take care of it“, the efforts to improve ourselves every day will always bring better value. To FV employees, she is always the role model to “make my life better today than yesterday”.

At the MMM Meeting on 15 December 2021, Dr Jean-Marcel Guillon (CEO of FV) honored and presented Ms Thanh Mai with a photobook marking her 20-year journey dedicating herself to FV

The FV family thanks Ms Thanh Mai for her companionship and dedication during the establishment and development of the hospital. Wishing you good health to contribute to the greater achievements of FV.