FV hospital attends the 13th Hospital Management Asia conference

The 13th Hospital Management Asia (HMA) Conference, held on 28th and 29th August 2014 at Cebu Island, Philippines, was attended by 831 delegates from hospitals and healthcare centres in 29 countries.

HMA is a leading annual conference in hospital management in Asia and a forum for healthcare managers, clinicians and leaders from around the world to gather to share their knowledge and experience on hospital management. This year’s conference welcomed more than 60 presentations from over 70 speakers with the aim to create an informative regional conference.

Delegates and speakers at HMA had the chance to visit exhibitions, attend meetings and obtain useful information from presentations. This is an excellent learning and networking opportunity for all delegates.

Vietnam’s delegation included Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue (Assoc. Prof., PhD.), Head of the Medical Healthcare Administration under the Ministry of Health; Dr. Tang Chi Thuong, Deputy Director of HCMC Health Department and many other directors, deputy directors and doctors from public and private hospitals in Vietnam. Our delegation gave two presentations by speakers Dr. Luong Ngoc Khue (Assoc Prof., PhD.), and Ms. Nguyen Thi Le Thu.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Le Thu, FVH’s Marketing & Business Development Director, represented FV Hospital to deliver a presentation on the topic “Your BRAND is YOU as seen by others” based on the general marketing, sales and public relations concept “Do hospitals need to build themselves as a brand?”. Her presentation was highly appreciated by the HMA Board of Organisers and was well attended and received. This is the third time Ms. Le Thu had attended HMA as a delegate and speaker.