FV Hospital Celebrate World Secretary’s Day 2022

Every year on the 4th Wednesday of April, World Secretary’s Day is always held as one of the important events at FV, to honour our professionals in the administration departments. Because many staff of FV are working in these positions, including medical secretaries, assistant directors and patient support staff.

Ward Charging Secretaries participated in the celebration

In the celebration that took place on the afternoon of 27th April, on behalf of the Board of Directors, Ms Ha Dung (Patient Finance Director) said: “Being a secretary at a hospital is not an easy job. You have to work under pressure from many sides, in an environment that is considered a health risk more than secretarial positions any elsewhere. However, you have worked with all your heart and contributed a lot to the development of FV.” The secretarial department has a high number of staff equivalent to that of doctors and just less than the nursing department at FV.

Representing for the doctors at this event was, Dr Vo Cong Minh (Head of ORL Department) who hopes that secretaries will always be strong to prove their capacity and keep being the essential link between patients and doctors. “Medical secretaries are the first and last to work with patients, when they do a good job, not only is the patient comfortable, but the image of the hospital improves”

Dr Vo Cong Minh congratulated the World Secretary’s Day

Medical secretaries, assistant directors, administrative support staff for patients, have always been an important piece of the puzzle at FV Hospital. Your contributions have helped stabilise the work place at FV. More importantly, you help patients receive safe health care services, with quick procedures and comfortable feeling.

Secretaries encouraged their colleagues to join the games

Along with the joyful atmosphere of the event, on behalf of the secretaries, Huynh Thi Bich Tram, a fairly new member of the Medical Secretarial department, shared: “The job to ‘please everyone’ has helped me improve myself a lot. Each patient brings different lessons in life.” Along with that, the “leading bird” of medical secretaries, Ms Nguyen Thi Hue (OPD Manager) shared her excitement and pride feeling almost unchanged for nearly 20 years when she attended World Secretary Day at FV. This year, with all her love for her work and colleagues, Ms Hue wrote a poem about the secretarial profession (attached at the end of the article). This is a great gift for a special day.

Representatives of Board of Directors gave gifts to the winning team

On behalf of the staff at FV Hospital, the Board of Directors would like to express special thanks to the medical secretaries, assistant directors and administrative support staff for patients. We wish you full of health, success, joy and pride with your chosen job at FV.

World Secretary’s Day (officially named Administrative Professionals Day) was established in 1952 in the United States, to recognise the contribution of administrative professionals. This includes secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, customer service specialists and administrative support specialists for customers.


In many professions, I chose to be a secretary

Medical secretary’s job is not easy,

Every day receive thousands of the sick

I guide them wholeheartedly like my relative

When I see the patients coming

I stand up and greet with a friendly smile

And every time the patient leaves

Another smile to show my gratitude

It is a priceless gift more than anything

The motivation to love the work

This love feels like a flame

to help me overcome hardships

With FV along the long way

Helping patients to feel good

Happy when patients are pleased

Happy to take care of patients

There is a profession that needs a lot of kindness

It’s here, the Secretary.

Nguyen Thi Hue – 20th April 2022