FV Hospital Celebrates International Nurses Day 2022 With a Joyful Atmosphere

FV marked the occasion of International Nurses Day 2022 with a celebration in the hospital’s auditorium, with many stories shared and beautiful moments captured. This annual date is a great time to appreciate and honour the contributions of FV’s nurses, midwives and technicians, especially after such a tumultuous year.

Nurses are happy to join the ceremony

At the opening of the ceremony, FV’s Nursing Director Ms Lee Poh Lian shared the history of International Nurses Day, as well as the noble significance of the nursing profession. She shared: “We need to remember that nursing is a job that requires knowledge and a great deal of responsibility. We follow the same methodology and work closely with doctors and nursing assistants to offer the best possible care to our patients.

Ms Lee Poh Lian emphasised this year’s theme “Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health,” which helps to highlight the nursing industry’s pioneering role in the healthcare sector. By respecting the rights of nurses and nurturing the career path for this profession, any country can improve its healthcare system and better serve the needs of its communities.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, Ms Thanh Mai (right) congratulates nursing team representative Ms Lee Poh Lian

Difficult though the past two years has been, the pandemic shone a light on the most beautiful, resilient and impressive images of our dedicated nurses. As COO Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai shared, “I think you all have experienced unimaginable challenges in your day-to-day work. However, using your extraordinary energy, you have overcome all obstacles to demonstrate the incredible value that this job brings to society. From the bottom of my heart, I want to express my admiration for what you have done for every patient.” Every person at FV focuses on supporting doctors and nurses to do their best professional work—offering world-class care and ensuring patient safety.

Every year during this nursing celebration at FV, the Head Nurse of the Emergency Department and the nursing team restate the Nurse’s Oath. This is always a reminder and a guideline for the nursing team at FV to follow, to enshrine the benefits of the patient and the noble values of the nursing profession.

Pledging the Nurse’s Oath

This year, to celebrate International Nurses Day 2022, the Nursing Department held a Nurse’s Quiz as a playful way to test and share their knowledge. The nursing team from the Medical West Ward, won first place, with the nurses from the Outpatient Clinic Department (OPD) and the ICU-NICU ranked second and third, respectively. FV’s nursing team also organised many other activities and games as part of this ceremony in which nurses, midwives and biomedical technicians participated with lots of enthusiasm.

Nursing staff are excited to join in the game

At the end of International Nurses Day 2022, Ms Lee Poh Lian hopes that the nursing team at FV will continue to improve themselves, constantly learn, and practice the highest nursing standards to ensure patients receive the best care possible. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish you all the very best of health, and that you’ll always be happy in your profession, and as the Nursing Director said: “Always be proud of your work!”.