FV Hospital Donates 151 Units of Blood

On 20th November, 2020, more than 110  members of our staff participated in the fifth “Give Blood – Give Hope” programme in the Auditorium, 3rd floor – FV Hospital. The program was organised by FV Hospital and the Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hospital. This event has become valuable tradition of the FV Family. This time, the organisers received 150 units of blood.


This is the second blood donation event in 2020. Although the fifth “Give Blood – Give Hope” programme was organised concurrently with other events in hospital, it still received a lot of participation from our staff members. Mr Le Huu Quoc Bao (Laboratory & Blood Bank Department) who has now participated 6 times in the programme commented: “blood cells, if we don’t donate will die only to be replaced. So donating blood is just like sending it to the bank with the aim to help each other.” In the opinion of Mr Quoc Bao, blood donation has both a moral meaning for society and for us.

Starting at 7:30 am and finishing at 12:00 am many members came for their first blood donation at FV Hospital found it similar in feeling as with other places but  they appreciated the process at our hospital. Ms Quach Dieu Ai (Pharmacy Department) said that: “at FV the blood donation process is efficient and we don’t need to wait for a long time.” The blood donation program this year attracted many younger staff to participate.

Representative for the organisers, Ms Pham Thi Thanh Hai (Personal Assistant to COO) explained that the blood donation program achieved the goals of both organisations. With the programme’s success FV Hospital would try to maintain the blood donation program twice a year.

This year, besides the nutritional gifts for volunteers, the organisers also arranged for a calligrapher to produce ornamental writings for the participants. The complementary activity provided by the Hematology Blood Transfusion Hospital received a lot of attention from our staff as well as patients and their relatives. Many heart felt wishes were recorded during the event. Similar to the blood donation, giving good and meaningful wishes contributes to our wellbeing and a better life.