On March 10th, FV Hospital welcomed doctors from Cambodia and the University Medical Centre HCMC to participate in a session on the practical application of pacemaker implantation techniques — an advanced technique that very few hospitals are currently able to implement.

Experts participate in a training workshop on pacemaker implantation techniques at FV Hospital.
Experts participate in a training workshop on pacemaker implantation techniques at FV Hospital.

The sharing session was conducted with hands-on guidance from Dr Hoang Quang Minh, Cardiology Department, FV Hospital, with support from a leading expert from the Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit at Mahidol University, Thailand: Arisara Suwanagool, MD, PhD, who brought comprehensive knowledge and extensive experience in wireless pacemaker implantation to her presentation at FVH.

A leading expert from the Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit at Mahidol University, Thailand: Arisara Suwanagool, MD, PhD, attends the workshop.
A leading expert from the Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit at Mahidol University, Thailand: Arisara Suwanagool, MD, PhD, attends the workshop.

Presentations were divided into two parts and included theoretical guidance, notes, and handling directions in specific clinical situations. During part 2, Dr Suwanagool and Dr Minh collaborated to perform procedures on two real cases in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (Cathlab) at FV Hospital under the observation of participants. This helped attending doctors gain visual knowledge and a clear understanding of the pacemaker implantation process to apply at their hospital.

Dr Hoang Quang Minh (Cardiology Department, FV Hospital) at the workshop.
Dr Hoang Quang Minh (Cardiology Department, FV Hospital) at the workshop.

Dr Hoang Quang Minh stated: “For a successful wireless pacemaker implantation, in addition to adequate physical infrastructure, the physician needs to be experienced, understand how to place the device, and hold all necessary certifications, including postoperative patient care certifications.”

Dr Minh has successfully implanted many pacemakers via this new technique over the past two years. Particularly noteworthy are two cases involving elderly patients, an 88-year-old man and a 94-year-old woman. In the case of the 88-year-old man, this was the first instance in Vietnam of using a wireless pacemaker with atrial sensing capability, the most advanced technology in the world.

Dr Suwanagool and Dr Minh performed procedures on two patients in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (Cathlab).
Dr Suwanagool and Dr Minh performed procedures on two patients in the Cardiac Catheterisation Laboratory (Cathlab).

In recent years, doctors at the Cardiology Department of FV Hospital have continuously supported and shared their experiences with the medical community both domestically and internationally. When it comes to researching and applying the latest techniques in electrophysiology treatment, Dr Hoang Quang Minh has made significant contributions. From participating in courses in Malaysia to presenting at the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS) 2023 conference in Hong Kong, China, Dr Minh has collaborated with international experts to contribute to the development of this emerging field at FV Hospital and Vietnam’s southern region.

Doctors take commemorative photos at FV Hospital.
Doctors take commemorative photos at FV Hospital.

In the future, FV Hospital will continue to organise training activities and workshops with the participation of leading experts in the region. Alongside training doctors in new techniques, this is also an opportunity for the exchange and sharing of experiences among doctors and experts from many countries. This collaboration opens new opportunities to enhance the quality of healthcare services and healthcare for the community in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries.