FV Hospital Offers 20% Discount for Supportive Treatment of Pelvic Floor Disorders Using the Gentle and Non-invasive QRS®-Pelvicenter System

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a condition where the muscles and connective tissues of the pelvic floor weaken, becoming slack and being unable to maintain the organs in their correct positions. It is common amongst women, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth and leads to issues such as back pain, urinary incontinence, faecal incontinence, uterine prolapse, bladder prolapse, and rectal prolapse. Pelvic floor dysfunction can also be the cause of some sexual issues in men.

Recognising the essential need for treating pelvic floor-related disorders, FV Hospital combines the expertise of Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Breast Care Clinic, Urology & Andrology, and Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation dDepartments to develop comprehensive pelvic floor care service. FV has invested in the QRS®-PelviCenter system to support the treatment of common pelvic floor disorders. This advanced medical device utilises advanced magnetic stimulation and is widely used in the US and Europe, that provides non-invasive, gentle, and comfortable treatment for pelvic floor disorders. FV Hospital is a pioneer in applying the QRS®-PelviCenter system in Vietnam.

The great news for those who are experiencing pelvic floor-related disorders, from now to 31st August, 2023, FV Hospital is offering a special promotion of a 20% discount for using the QRS®-PelviCenter service.

Specific program details are as follows:

  • 1 session for 1,760,000 VND (Original price: 2,200,000 VND)
  • 8 sessions for 12,000,000 VND (Original price: 15,000,000 VND)
  • 16 sessions for 20,000,000 VND (Original price: 25,000,000 VND)

The QRS®-PelviCenter system has a chair-like structure with a magnetic field underneath. The strong and uniform magnetic field can penetrate deep into the pelvic area, stimulating all the surrounding nerves and training the related muscles. By adjusting the activity of peripheral nerves, the QRS®-PelviCenter system can reduce pain, promote nerve healing, and enhance motor function.

The QRS®-PelviCenter system is recommended for training the pelvic floor muscles to treat common pelvic floor disorders such as:

  • Urinary incontinence: Common in older women, obese individuals, after childbirth, or after menopause.
  • Overactive bladder: Caused by abnormal activity of the nervous system and bladder muscles, leading to frequent contractions and urinary urgency.
  • Sexual dysfunction: Men with weak pelvic floor muscles may experience weak erections, premature ejaculation, and reduced ejaculation force. Women may experience weakened vaginal muscles and reduced blood flow to the genital area.
  • Lower back pain: Pelvic floor dysfunction affects the spinal nerves and improper support of the upper body weight, leading to back pain.
  • Faecal incontinence: Loss of bowel control, resulting in involuntary bowel movements.

Our doctors will develop a personalised treatment protocol based on the specific condition. Depending on the severity of the disorder and the patient’s response, each patient may be recommended to use the QRS®-PelviCenter for a specific duration, possibly in combination with other methods such as internal medicine, physical therapy, etc.

Dr Vo Trieu Dat, Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Breast Care Clinic Department – FV Hospital, shared that each disorder will require a specific pelvic floor training regimen, usually consisting of several sessions, each lasting about 20 minutes, at a 2-3 week interval. The QRS®-PelviCenter is a new, advanced method for treating pelvic floor dysfunctions that patients can consider. Its excellent advantages include being non-invasive, drug-free, and having no side effects, while achieving high effectiveness. Patients can sit comfortably on the chair during the treatment without feeling any pain or discomfort.

To make an appointment with Obstetrics & Gynaecology – Breast Care Clinic Department, FV Hospital, please contact: (028) 54 11 33 33, ext. 6000.