It was a touching moment for everyone when C.P., a 61-year-old patient from Cambodia, smiled with her doctor for a photo in front of her family after recovering from a severe intracerebral haemorrhage.
On the second day of this Lunar New Year, this patient was brought to FV’s Accident & Emergency Department in a coma which has a high risk of death. Dr Nguyen Manh Hung – Head of Neurosurgery and Endovascular Neurosurgery Department, examinated and diagnosed the condition through imaging technique. The result shows that patient had a large bleed in her ventricle increasing intracranial pressure, clogging ventricles, obstructing cerebrospinal fluid circulation, causing brain compression and brain hernias.
In this critical situation, if the patient can have surgery performed timely, it will lead to death. After the doctor explanation with consent from patient’s family, Dr Nguyen Manh Hung performed micro surgery (using microsurgical glasses).
Dr Hung cut and enlarged the left side of the skull to remove the hematoma, placed a catheter in the lateral horn of the ventricle to drain the excess cerebrospinal fluid and the hematoma in the ventricle. The surgery lasted more than 3 hours where almost all the hematoma was collected and drained resulting in the improvement of the patient’s clinical condition. After 45 days of treatment at FV Hospital in intensive care, the patient was discharged completely conscious, can move the right side of her body and has feeling in the left side, she can sit-up and eat rice soup.

The daughter of patient C.P. excitedly shared, “My family was incredibly happy to hear my mother was saved by Dr Manh Hung. The doctor had informed us about the serious life-threatening risks if my mother’s surgical procedure was delayed for more than two hours. Now she is recovering, being able to communicate well and recognize her relatives, and it is expected my mother will be discharged early as she has started to feel homesick. A huge thanks to Dr Manh Hung, who, not only is very talented, working wholeheartedly, but also was so friendly to my mother. FV’s postoperative care service is also very professional and attentive, so I have felt happy and comfortable seeing them take care of my mum. My family learnt about FV Hospital through an acquaintance, and we decided to transfer from Tay Ninh to FV as we found out that Dr Nguyen Manh Hung had saved many patients lives from neurological conditions and diseases.”
Dr Nguyen Manh Hung described, “We treat intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) by ventricular drainage, this is a less invasive technique with high difficulty, but an effective treatment helping patients avoid many dangerous complications. Ventricular drainage is vital in case of increasing intracranial pressure due to acute ventricular dilatation”. This is a new method treatment for cerebral hemorrhage recently applied, which requires the modern medical equipment, and an experienced neurosurgeons team. The most important thing is having the correct judgment to remove the hematoma and to minimize the damage to the brain as much as possible.
For an appointment with Dr. Nguyen Manh Hung, Department of Neurosurgery and Endovascular Neurosurgery, please contact: (028) 54 11 33 33 – Ext: 1519