FV Hospital Vaccination Team receive Rewards from District 7 People’s Committee

On the afternoon of 18th November 2021, the People’s Committee of District 7 organised an event to reward the vaccination teams that participated in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in District 7.

The event was attended by the Vice President of the District 7 People’s Committee – Ms Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan, and representatives from District 7 Health Department along with representatives from hospitals and clinics in the District. On behalf of the vaccination teams of FV Hospital and FV Saigon Clinic, Ms Nguyen Thi Ly (Medical Office Manager) participated in the event.

In the ceremony, Ms Nguyen Thi Be Ngoan, on behalf of the government and people of District 7, conveyed her huge thanks for the contributions and sacrifices that were made by all the medical staff and volunteers who participated in the vaccination and pandemic prevention. She added: “The active participation from vaccination teams helped District 7 achieve full-vaccinated coverage early. I believe the teams will maintain this spirit to work with the government and people to successfully complete further vaccination plans in the future.” Accordingly, there were more than 500,000 injections administered in District 7. This is one of the earliest districts to complete the COVID-19 vaccine coverage for people in Ho Chi Minh City.

FV Hospital and FV Saigon Clinic started participating in community vaccination campaigns from 21st July in District 7 and at some locations in District 1. For the first three months, the teams delivered a total of nearly 60,000 injections for many different target groups who live and work in Ho Chi Minh City. Previously, in the first time participating in the vaccination campaign following the call and assignment of the Ho Chi Minh City’s Health Department at the end of June, FV also provided a further 10,500 injections.

In addition to these campaigns, FV Hospital has provided injections for nearly 5,000 people from the French community, living in Ho Chi Minh City and other provinces in the southern region. Furthermore, since the end of July, the hospital has coordinated with businesses to administer nearly 19,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses. The purpose of the enterprise-supported vaccination program is to accelerate the coverage in the city and support workers to quickly access vaccines so that they can return to work.

During the peak of the pandemic, FV provided about 40-50 staff every day, including doctors, nurses, administrative and logistics staff to serve at various injection sites. Recently, the injection teams of FV Saigon Clinic also participated in the vaccination campaign for children aged 12-17, who are students at high schools in District 7. This new vaccination program for children is in accordance to the plan of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and following safety instructions from the Ministry of Health.