FV hospital’s medication management process follows JCI international standards

In 2023, FV won a gold seal from Joint Commission International (JCI) for the third consecutive year due to the Hospital’s safe medication management processes.

JCI accreditation demonstrates that FV operates to international standards with the highest degree of safety, ensuring our patients feel secure placing their trust in FVH as their healthcare partner.

FV’s third JCI Accreditation Gold Seal

Strict medication management and use ensures the highest degree of patient safety

Safe medication management and use ranks among the important standards approved by JCI, the global leader in healthcare accreditation. Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib, Head of Pharmacy, FV Hospital, says that careful medication management and use is an important part of prevention, alleviation, treatment and control of diseases and their symptoms.

Every medication administration process carries the risk of medical treatment error. Therefore, at FV Hospital, safe medication practice is implemented with consultation of medical staff in all applicable specialties in accordance with the principles of strict inspection and management to maximise patient safety.

FV medication management processes have careful oversight included at all steps: supplier selection, ordering, storage, prescribing, preparing and dispensing are all recorded and monitored.

In order to ensure its medication management process remains comprehensive, FV Hospital has established a Phramacy & Therapeutic Committee to oversee all issues related to medication practice and to encourage appropriate medication use in the hospital. This Council incorporates two subcommittees, Medication Safety and Antibiotic Management and Use.

At FV, each prescription is checked and evaluated by the Pharmacy Department for safety, appropriate use for treatment, and economy for the patient before it is dispensed.

In addition, avoiding antibiotic overuse is also a top priority for FV. The hospital has a list of antibiotics that need to be controlled and a list of antibiotics that are suitable for use for each level of a given condition. “Antibiotic management is a programme which helps FV control the prudent, appropriate and optimal use of antibiotics in treatment. This is an important requirement in medication management to ensure patient safety,” adds Mr Mohd Fazli Shuib.

Applying new generations of anaesthetic and administration techniques

At FV Hospital, anaesthesia is applied for surgery and other medical procedures, such as tumour biopsies, gastrointestinal endoscopy and gastroscopy; and non-operative room interventions, including MRI and CT scans for non-compliant patients or babies. An anaesthesia procedure needs to ensure that the patient undergoes surgery safely and painlessly without complications, and can make a speedy recovery.

The anaesthetic process is strictly carried out with the following steps: a pre-anaesthesia examination (about 30 minutes) which takes place at least 24 hours before the surgery, inclusive of a clinical assessment and time for the doctor to answer the patient’s questions, helping them to feel at ease and ensure the appropriate anaesthetic method has been selected for the case.

“During the recovery phase, which is the transition between anaesthesia and consciousness, the patient often can feel disorientated or discomfort. Failure to properly assess the patient’s condition can lead to many complications. Patients need to be closely monitored by an experienced doctor who can administer any necessary medication,” says Dr Ly Quoc Thinh, Head of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit.

Thanks to excellent anaesthesia and resuscitation care, patients benefit from complete pain relief during their recovery. At FV, patients are assured of the highest safety standards, with zero complications during anaesthesia and post-anaesthesia, such as hypothermia, shock, or confusion. It is this commitment to quality in anaesthesia and resuscitation care that ensured FV scored highly during its JCI assessment.