FV introduces water labour for the first time, providing mothers with enhanced relaxation, pain relief, and a shorter delivery time. This is considered an optimal choice for expectant mothers who prefer to experience natural labour without relying on pain medication or epidural anaesthesia.

Water Labour Offers Natural Pain Relief and Reduces Labour Time by Up to 50%
Soaking in a birthing pool during labour is a hydrotherapy method scientifically proven to help expectant mothers relax and relieve pain without medication during natural childbirth. To meet this need, FV Hospital’s Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department has become a pioneer in introducing water labour.

Vo Trieu Dat, MD, MSc, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at FV Hospital, explained that during water labour, the mother sits in a specially designed birthing pool that meets strict infection control standards. Her abdomen will be submerged in warm water under the guidance and supervision of midwives and doctors.

Scientific studies have shown that warm water helps the mother’s body fully relax, reduces pain from uterine contractions during labour, and significantly accelerates the process. “Typically, labour lasts an average of 8-10 hours, but with water immersion, mothers can be ready for delivery in just 4-5 hours,” shared Dr Dat.
“This method is an ideal choice for mothers who do not wish to use epidural pain relief, especially those who want a completely natural labour experience while still minimising pain during the process,” Dr Dat affirmed.

Which Expectant Mothers Are Eligible for Water Labour?
According to Dr Dat, water labour is only suitable for expectant mothers with a stable pregnancy and no risk factors. Mothers can enter the birthing pool once they are in active labour, experiencing regular contractions and a cervical dilation of at least 2 cm.

At FV Hospital, the birthing pool is located within the delivery room and features a large size, non-slip design, sturdy handrails, and seating at an appropriate height to ensure the mother’s comfort while immersing in water. The water level is maintained at the mother’s belly level, with a consistent temperature maintained between 34-37°C to promote relaxation and pain relief. The warm water and its pressure help ease discomfort, creating a spa-like sensation. In the water, the pressure on the body is reduced, making it easier for the mother to move and feel more at ease. With this method, family members are allowed to stay by the mother’s side, providing essential emotional support during labour.

During the water labour process, the expectant mother is closely monitored by a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals. At least two healthcare providers are present to regularly check the baby’s heart rate, ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the baby. All the mother’s needs are carefully attended to, creating the most comfortable environment for the delivery process.
Dr Dat further explained that in Western countries, women often give birth in the water, whereas at FV Hospital, this service is currently limited to the labour phase. Once the cervix dilates to 8-9 cm, the mother is transferred to the delivery bed to prepare for childbirth.
In fact, the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department at FV Hospital has recently received numerous requests for this service, particularly from younger mothers from countries like Australia, the UK, and the US, where water birth is common. At the same time, more local mothers are seeking a more natural labour experience without pain relief medication or epidural anaesthesia—procedures that are relatively invasive—making water labour an ideal option for these needs.
With many years of experience working in obstetrics departments at major hospitals in both Vietnam and France, Dr Dat concluded: “In my opinion, this method is both superior and simple. We can definitely implement it in Vietnamese hospitals. The principle is to ensure maximum pain relief and comfort for the mother, while also ensuring the safety of both the baby and the mother during labour.”
In addition, to help the mother and her family fully enjoy the delivery experience, the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department at FV Hospital will introduce several new services, including:
- A candlelit dinner for the couple.
- A welcome tea party for the baby, available for the whole family.
- A discharge gift for the mother and baby, including a handbag, breastfeeding pillow, photo frame, clothes, diapers, and more.
- Nutritional food for the mother after birth, aiding her recovery and enhancing milk supply for breastfeeding.

For more information about the water labour method and the new services at the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department at FV Hospital, please contact the hospital at (028) 54 11 33 33.