FV marks Non-smoking Week with Awareness Campaign

Are you a smoker? Are you aware of how smoking can poison the younger generation around you?

When someone smokes, individuals nearby then become passive smokers themselves, including children. As a result, they are more likely to face dangerous diseases, such as; respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer.

According to an estimation by the World Health Organization (WHO), cigarette smoke globally causes 8 million deaths every year. In Vietnam alone, each year cigarette smoke has been found to be the cause of death of 40,000 people. These figures do not solely include adults who smoke but also those whose health is affected due to passive smoking. Passive smokers, such as children, are particularly vulnerable as they are unable to protect themselves from the smoke.

To mark World No Tobacco Day, 31st May, and National Non-Smoking Week from the 25th to the 31st of May 2020, FV Hospital would like to raise awareness in the community on the harmful consequences cigarettes can bring, especially to children.

Start protecting your health and the future of the younger generation, and stop smoking today!