FV offers consultations on risky pregnancy with overseas specialists

A high risk pregnancy is one which puts the mother or the developing foetus or both at increased risk of complications during the pregnancy. Early detection and proper care and treatment for these conditions are essential to ensure safety for both mother and foetus.

For one day, 5th June 2015, overseas spencialists in pregnancy risks will join with the obstetricians from FV Hospital to provide consultations on pregnancy risks and complications.

To schedule an appointment for a consultation with specialists in pregnancy risks, please contact Gynaecology and Obstetrics, FV Hospital, by calling (08). 54 11 35 35 or book online.

To take advantage of Specialist in pregnancy risks during their next working trip to FV Hospital, the hospital is organising a public conference, Living Healthy with FV, on the topic “High risk pregnancy and preterm birth signals; twins sharing one placenta: Care & Approach solutions

Time: from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Saturday, 6th June 2015

Venue: Liberty Central Saigon Riverside Hotel, No. 17 Ton Duc Thang, District 1, HCMC 

To register your attendance, please contact Marketing Officer Ms. Diem Hong at 09 62 62 78 47 or (08) 54 11 33 33 (ext. 1336) before 5thJune 2015.


8:30 am– 9:00 am: Welcome and introduction to the conference
Speaker: Dr. Gilles Blache

9:00am – 10:15am: Pregnancy risks:

  • Care for pregnant women with preterm birth risks during 24th to the 30th weeks of gestation. 
  • Care for twin gestation in which they share one placenta
  • Maternal and foetal medicine, specialising in the examination of and treatment for pregnancy complications

Speaker: Overseas specialists

10:15am – 10:45am: New method: Non-invasive prenatal testing to detect Down syndrome in a foetus (NIP Test)

Speaker: Dr. Gilles Blache

10:45 am – 11:15am: Introduction to high pregnancy risk care at FV Hospital and the National University Hospital (NUH) of Singapore.

Speakers: Dr. Huynh Thi Hieu, Overseas specialists

11:15 am – 11:45 am: Q&A