FV offers treatment of headaches via Traditional medicine

A stressful workload involving reading and writing for extended periods at a computer, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, can make office workers more susceptible to headaches caused by muscle stiffness, among other factors.

When yang does not circulate well, it often causes headaches with a heaviness around the eyes

Tension headaches occur when neck and scalp muscles become tense or contract. The pain can last from 30 minutes to a few days before disappearing without treatment. Tension headaches are the most common headache for office workers. Depending on the severity and duration of the pain, this disease can be divided into two types: episodic pain and chronic pain. Although the disease does not cause serious damage, it often recurs and can greatly affect a person’s quality of life.

Headaches can range from mild to severe, sometimes felt distinctly on both sides of the head. Many people also feel a tightening pressure around the skull, and their eyes feel heavy and tired. At the same time, the muscles in the shoulders and neck are tense and painful.

Dr Diec Kha Han (Head of Traditional Medicine, FV Hospital), says while there are many causes of headaches for office workers, including various diseases, most are due to improper working posture, compounded by muscle stiffness associated with sitting in an air-conditioned room. Anxiety and stress can prevent proper blood circulation, causing further discomfort.

Many treatment methods for headaches exist, incorporating both modern and traditional medicine. Using Western medicine, doctors can treat medical conditions with pain relievers, muscle relaxants, drugs that help stop muscle contractions, and antidepressants. In addition, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy are also effective treatments.

In Traditional medicine, doctors perform acupuncture and acupressure at “Chinese An-Shi point” (pain point) to circulate blood, relieve pain quickly, and treat acute headaches. Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor might use additional methods of thread implantation to maintain the therapeutic effect over time. Some types of high-grade polydioxanone threads, currently applied at FV Hospital, can provide pain relief for up to six months.

Doctors perform acupuncture and acupressure to circulate blood, relieve pain quickly, and treat acute headaches

Contrary to the quick, acute pain relief of modern medical therapies, the advantages of traditional medicine methods often lie in maintaining long-term treatment effects. At the same time, these methods are also suitable for people who are sensitive to Western medicine. Therefore, depending on the pathology, doctors might combine both to deliver an optimal outcome for the patient. “The advantage of FV’s multi-specialty approach helps patients to more accurately identify the cause of their headaches, so that they can prescribe treatment which combines Traditional medicine with other modern medical specialties,” explains Dr Diec Kha Han.

Headaches are very common, especially among office workers. Doctors recommend that patients experiencing repeated headaches visit a medical facility for an accurate diagnosis and to choose the safest, most effective treatment method.


FV’s team traditional medicine specialists combine the use of equipment at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and the Department of Rehabilitation in diagnosis and rehabilitation. Procedures are performed in a separate standard room, with a full range of latest-generation equipment, including acupuncture machines which deliver carefully controlled electrical pulses. The combination of experience in traditional medicine and modern, multi-specialty technology at FV ensures that patients recover more quickly, with improved outcomes.

To book an appointment with Dr Diec Kha Han, Head of FV’s Traditional Medicine Department, please contact: 028 5411 3333, extension 7000.