FV Staff participate in the Biggest Vaccination Campaign in the History of Ho Chi Minh City

In the morning June 21, 2021, FV Hospital staff were deployed to participate in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign following the call of Ho Chi Minh City Health Department. It is considered the largest vaccination campaign in Ho Chi Minh City history, aiming to create community immunity and prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the city.

Injection Teams at FV Hospital before departure
Injection Teams at FV Hospital before departure

At 9 am, the injection teams from FV Hospital quickly departed immediately after receiving the notice of their assigned injection site, a company in Saigon Hi-Tech Park, Thu Duc City and arrived at the factory at 10:30 am. Despite being informed urgently, the FV team was fully prepared and set up the injection site professionally with of urgency and enthusiasm.

Get ready before administering the first doses of Covid-19 vaccine at Nidec Sankyo
Get ready before administering the first doses of Covid-19 vaccine at the assigned injection site

Together with the organisers at of the company, FV Hospital staff arranged the facility following a 4-step process: declaration of screening information, vital sign examination, COVID-19 vaccine injection and post-injection monitoring for 30 minutes. At 11:30 am, the vaccination process was started when the District 9 Medical Centre delivered the COVID-19 vaccine (Astra-Zeneca) to the site.

At noon, the team from FV Saigon Clinic team arrived at Quang Trung Software Park to join other vaccination units.

To respond to the campaign safely, the FV Team has actively participated in training sessions and emergency meetings from the Ho Chi Minh City Health Department and Centre for Disease Control (HCDC) to ensure they are updated with the direction and guidance for COVID-19 vaccination in the city. In addition, FV Hospital has also actively organised human resources and equipment to support the campaign.

OPD Nurses assigned their positions at vaccination tables
OPD Nurses assigned their positions at vaccination tables

Accordingly, FV Hospital participated in the campaign with five injection teams and one injection team from FV Saigon Clinic (FVC). Each team includes two doctors and three nurses who are fully trained in the COVID-19 vaccination procedure. In order to best prepare the FV injection teams, Ms Pham Thi Thanh Mai (FV Hospital’s Chief Operating Executive)) decided to call for logistics teams including medical secretaries, maintenance staff, IT staff, security and other logistics groups.

The representative at the vaccination site, Mr. Henry Tan Pham, the company’s Human Resources Director, commented: “I am very happy to have the active cooperation from FV Hospital. Everyone is well-prepared and very professional. I hope, in the following days, we will continue to receive the active support for our large number of employees at our company.”

Staff of Nidec Sankyo who attended the first vaccination session with 1000 vaccine doses
Staff of the company who attended the first vaccination session with 1000 vaccine doses

The leader of the FV Hospital team in this injection campaign, Dr Do Trong Khanh (Medical Director), said: “Our Board of Directors instructed that we need to be ready for this situation, so this morning the injection teams were ready as soon as they received the news. I want to send big thanks to doctors and nurses at FV who are always enthusiastic in the work of the hospital and for our city.”

At the end of the first vaccination day, FV Hospital, with five injection teams at the assigned company, completed 1,000 injections. The FV Saigon Clinic, with one injection team, completed 135 injections at the Quang Trung Software Park. In the following days, FV Hospital will continue to work at these sites to complete their assigned tasks.