FV Successfully Treats Invasive Cervical Cancer

In August, FV Hospital’s General Surgery Department successfully treated Ms V.T. Song Phien, 48 years old, from Tay Ninh, for stage four cervical cancer which had invaded many complex pelvic organs.

Previously, Ms Song Phien had been treated in many hospitals but her disease kept worsening. When she came to FV she was desperately worried – her recurring tumour had invaded her pelvic area and surrounding organs: her bladder, vagina, rectum, uterus, colon and small intestine. In addition, she had an infected uterus abscess.

After thorough examination and tests, through interdisciplinary consultation, Dr Phan Van Thai, acting head of FV Hospital’s General Surgery Department, decided to operate to remove the invaded pelvic organs. Dr Thai then brought the patient’s artificial urinary and anus out to the abdominal wall. The surgery ended successfully after an intense eight hours.

During surgery, Ms Song Phien’ condition remained stable with little blood loss. The removal site distance between the retained tissue and removed tumour was ideal. The pathological anatomy result showed that none of the removal sites exhibited cancer cells and were cleanly cut. After surgery, the patient recovered well, was able to urinate and her wounds were healing quickly. Thanks to post-surgery care and pain management, Ms Song Phien was discharged in good health after three weeks.

During treatment at FV, Ms Song Phien often felt anxiety and sadness. However, Dr Phan Van Thai’s thoroughness and the nursing team’s psychological counselling and encouragement brought her relief and helped her to feel more comfortable.

Following surgery, Ms Song Phien felt extremely satisfied by her treatment and excellent outcome, and she was touched by the care shown to her by FV staff.

Before coming here, I thought that I was done for because my disease had developed so fast. However, thanks to Dr Thai’s expertise, I was able to live. I truly give my thanks to Dr Thai and the nurses at FV for helping me overcome my fear of illness so that I can continue living.