FV’s Second JCI Certificate – Earning the Absolute Trust of Our Patients

The patient’s need to go to the hospital is to get the right treatment and to get high quality and safe medical care. Those are also the criteria that JCI – the leading organization in the world towards in the evaluation and certification of medical quality.

Hospitals that achieve this certification will receive a Gold Seal that recognizes their commitment to Safety and Quality in international patient care and hospital management.

FV Hospital was accredited by JCI the first time in March 2016 and it last for three years. From 14 – 18 January 2019, JCI visited FV again to determine whether the hospital was continuing to meet its increasingly strict standards. As a result, FV Hospital surpassed spectacularly with a 99% score, thereby achieving the second consecutive JCI certification for the 2019 – 2022 period.

To get this certification, FV Hospital had to pass the appraisal process with 14 chapters; Standard 287 and 1,200 measurement criteria. These requirements cover all of the hospital’s patient care activities, from the admission, examination and treatment to hospital discharge.

Applying the JCI standard is for doctors and nurses to strictly follow the steps in treatment and patient care, to avoid risks for both patients and doctors. For example, before placing a surgical knife, the doctor must answer the correct questions, such as: full name, age of the patient, main surgeon, surgeon assistant, blood type for transfusion … Nurses do not give out one day medicine for hospitalized patients, but they give out after each meal and wait for the patient to finish drinking before leaving the room. In addition, all equipment and facilities, the condition of the building must always be maintained to ensure that they are always in the best condition. Thanks to the JCI process, the staff of all departments in the hospital work in the right way, minimizing risks. Over time, JCI from the process has become a working culture for every employee in every part of FV.

Receiving the Quality Gold Seal for the second time with the almost absolute score of JCI, FV Hospital has become an outstanding safe medical treatment for patients. This is also an important milestone proving FV Hospital’s long-term commitment to providing high quality patient care and pursuing the ambition to become the “leading medical service provider in Europe.” Asia “and” bring international health care standards “to the people of Vietnam